Michael Kempner and MWW PR Boasts LGBT. Stretch


MWW Public Relations PR Firm

Michael Kempner’s MWW announced earlier today having acquired a firm specializing  in reaching consumers who are lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT).

Kempner’s influential firm will roll Macias Media Group of Los Angeles in with MWW’s already impressive lobbying, marketing, public relations and corporate communications offerings. The venture is clearly one to leverage the influence of the L.G.B.T. community for the purposes of MWW PR clients and vice versa. No financial terms were mentioned in the announcement, but according to the news Macias Media President Stephen Macias will join MWW as a SVP.

Closely aligned with the Democratic Party and the Obama administration, Kempner’s firm is the latest in a growing list of big PR players with practices now devoted to influencing the L.G.B.T. audience. The press release via MarketWatch tells more of MWW’s latest expansion:

“Through this acquisition, MWW now boasts a national network of experts who maintain close working relationships with the world’s leading LGBT organizations, government entities and private sector influencers.”

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