Kenya Arena Seeks Re-Naming

Kenya Arena Seeks Re-Naming

Naming and Branding Rights for Indoor Arena Kasarani

Kenya Arena Seeks Re-Naming

Sports Kenya wants to be renamed —  Its mandate is to promote, co –ordinate and implement national and international sports programmers, establish, manage, develop and maintain the sports facilities including convention centers, indoor sporting and recreational facilities in the country and participate in the promotion of sports tourism.

Sports Kenya is expected to develop standards and regulations that will guide in development and management of sports facilities in the country to ensure best practice. Sports Kenya has its headquarters at the Moi International Sports Centre (MISC), Kasarani, off Thika Road in Nairobi, the capital city of Kenya, and boasts some of the largest capacity facilities for hosting sports, business and recreational activities, in the region.

SPORTS KENYA is seeking a partner to take up NAMING AND BRANDING RIGHTSRIGHTS FOR INDOOR ARENA. The firm awarded this offer shall be the organization to take up all the benefits which go with Naming and Branding rights , at locations within the employer’s said premises, which locations shall be agreed between the parties before execution.


  1. Naming and Branding rights of the facility
  2. Branding of outside walls
  3. Stair cases
  4. Branding of conferences,VIP lounges Naming and Branding rights and branding
  5. Logo display
  6. Branding of turnstiles, ticketing booths

Proposal due by November 26th, 2016 to:

Director General

Sports Kenya

P.O. Private Bag, Kasarani Nairobi.

Tel: (020) 2390500; (020) 2390501

Fax: (020) 2113135


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