Let’s Stop HIV Together OY1 Media Buying

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The vendor will provide the management and support that will allow data unification and media

execution across a single technology platform, as opposed to working with multiple partners for various

initiatives. This will help us manage our advertising through a single advertising platform

infrastructure and will allow us to do the following:

• Consolidation of ad exposure data across digital buying platforms

• Streamlined audience management and unified buying strategy

• Advanced audience targeting and data-driven optimizations

• Single trafficking workflow

• Control for audience overlap proper reach & frequency management

This includes managing placements on two of our additional platforms, Snapchat and TikTok.

Note that we currently only have client approval for the first phase of ads, and only in one of three

main topics, but as our strategic and media buy plans continue to be refined and approved, we

expect that we will spend around $1,300,000 across these same (and possibly additional, related

channels), with additional content, all focused on HIV-related topics, including awareness, antistigma, and healthcare. The period anticipated will run until around 8/15/22

At this time, we have approval for $117,000 in ads related to Ending the HIV Epidemic (EHE) is to

“diagnose all people with HIV as early as possible.” Widespread HIV testing, especially among

populations most impacted by HIV, is critically important to support that strategy, and HIV self-testing

(HIVST) presents an opportunity to increase the number of people who test for HIV. This option period for

Optional Task C (OTC) will allow FHI 360 to continue to support Prevention Communication Branch in its

promotion of HIV self-testing, including its collaboration with the Behavioral and Clinical

Surveillance Branch to promote free self-testing kits available from the Take Me Home Together web

portal (https://together.takemehome.org). This document outlines how FHI 360 proposes to implement

OTC between August 24, 2021, and February 24, 2022. The proposed strategies and activities will build

off the successes and lessons learned during the base year (2020-21).

FHI 360 proposes a three-phased media buy that runs from September 1, 2021, through February 5,

2022. This end date will allow FHI 360 to complete the media buy and required reporting to CDC before

the end of the OTC funded period. Each phase will last seven to eight weeks; focus on the three priority

populations (i.e., gay men of color, transwomen, and African American women); and incorporate a

strategic mix of channels, assets, and locations based on a performance analysis of the base contract

media buy. FHI 360 will provide a detailed plan for each phase three weeks ahead of the phase start


Ads will be run on Google (display & search), TikTok, Connected TV, YouTube. In addition, FHI 360 will

work with a media placement company to run programmatic efforts


On behalf of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), FHI 360 is seeking the services of a media buying vendor to promote these assets through programmatic display and video, search, and social ad buying. The vendor will provide FHI 360 programmatic and platform solutions that will provide ownership of the Google Marketing Platform and give more visibility into media programs across social vendors, while enabling speed-to-market and greater flexibility. In addition, they will find efficiencies from better audience data, connected across channels, as well as minimal data loss and better yield across products the Google products such as Display & Video 360, Campaign Manager, and Ads Data Hub.

Scope of Work:

The vendor will provide the following services:

1. Participation on calls with FHI 360 and/or CDC

a. Challenges for the schedule may include delays in creative production, a tight timeframe

for completion of services, and CDC review cycles. These issues necessitate regular

communications and capacity to make changes in direction within hours or days.

2. Draft media buy plan (assume one round of revisions)

3. Final media buy plan

4. Media buy flowchart

5. Confirmation of placements secured

6. Monthly reports for all placements that ran during the report (due by the 15th of the following


a. All reports shall be submitted in Excel via email.

Due Date: 9/3/21

Address: Email to RTaylor@fhi360.org and SMerrill@fhi360.org

Ketchum and Zeno Group are strong healthcare PR agencies.

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