Little League is All Grown Up With Their Own PR Firm(s)

LLWS - Little League World Series

LLWS - Little League World Series

The boys from Red Land Little League won the 2015 Little League World Series.

But even before their win, they were receiving requests for appearances. After the win, they returned home and found even more requests. They’re just boys and they have enough to do with school and other regular activities. So it seemed wise to bring in professionals to help with scheduling and allowing the team and coaching staff to do what they do best.

What they do best, by the way, isn’t just being great at baseball. Even before they hit that championship game, the team had made some decisions about what they wanted to accomplish beyond the games. They identified a few charities they wanted to support and other things they wanted to do with any fame they might receive, for however long it lasted.

The PR firm, Nell McCormack Abom Communications, is assisting, as is LM Gnazzo Promotions and Strategies firm.

The main charity the boys wanted to help is Four Diamonds, a charity located in Hershey, Pennsylvania with the goal of conquering childhood cancer. Much of their donations are raised with events, THONs and MiniTHONs. The Red Land team will be participating in several of the upcoming miniTHONs.

A portion of any donations they receive at their team location goes directly to Four Diamonds, with the remainder going to the Red Land Little League group for field maintenance and the possibility of acquiring more fields. After all, registration increased dramatically after the championship win.

The boys have also filmed PSA announcements through the PA Dairymen’s Association and Central PA Food Bank, thanking fans and encouraging them to donate and help combat childhood hunger.

They have about 200 requests for appearances, some going into 2016. But still have not gotten the usual invite from the White House for the champions to meet the President. Somebody at the White House press room may want to wake up on that one – it’s an opportunity for those boys, but it’s also good press for the President.

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