Maine Town Issues Marketing RFP


The town of Bridgton, Maine has issued an RFP for a firm to provide marketing and promotional planning services for the town. Successful applicants will demonstrate an ability to provide all of the following items: creative development of a brand for advertisement (radio, television, print, digital, video, etc.) and a plan for promotional support.

The town of Bridgton has a winter population of about 5,200 residents, doubling in size in the summer. Summer visitation includes second home owners, day trippers, camping/RV, resident children’s camps, a few independently owned hotels and bed & breakfasts, and, vacation home rentals. Winter visitation is less and is weather dependent; though year- round activity is increasing.  Bridgton Academy is also located in Bridgton. The downtown is a mix of new businesses and buildings with some buildings remaining in need of repair or re-development. The downtown has a 67 acre park right off the main street. The town is planning a streetscape project for Main Street; the streetscape for Depot Street was completed 2 years ago and the street is alive and healthy with business activity. The town wants to seek infill development in the downtown, as well as encourage corridor development.   The town also has a Community Development Committee and the Bridgton Economic Development Corporation who will serve as conduits for this project and assist with public outreach.

Scope of Services

  1. Develop an authentic and compelling brand for Bridgton
  2. Develop an overall marketing plan that promotes Bridgton as a place to visit and a place to host their business
  3. Identify new marketing avenues for the town and assist in defining its brand
  4. Develop strategic marketing communications and brand support for promotion of initiatives, events and programs – that is, copy ready templates
  5. Graphic design and production of advertising and communication materials – copy ready templates
  6. Recommend media strategies, outline methods
  7. Outline service media outlets for future promotion
  8. Offer input on the town’s digital presence
  9. Outline possible phasing of marketing activities for future budget planning

Goals of the Plan

Success would be reflected through growth in sales and leasing (as elements of the plan are implemented,) as well as inquiries to the same for commercial and residential property, positive media coverage, and ample response to public campaigns, programs and events. Improved perceptions of Bridgton measured through future market surveys.

Proposal due by December 9th, 2016 to:

Anne Krieg AICP
Bridgton Planning & Development Director
3 Chase Street
Bridgton ME 04009

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