Marketing RFP Issued By Aarhus University

Aarhus University puts out to tender the purchase of marketing communications services to the Department of Management, Aarhus University. The main objective of the project is to ascertain how the Covid-19 pandemic and especially the lockdown measures that resulted from it have affected food-related behaviours, such as consumer demand for food products and services. Outcome will be scenarios for food-related consumer behaviour and demand in the post-corona period, with implications for the actors in the food sector. The results are of interest both for the food industry and for public policy aiming at promoting healthier and sustainable food consumption. Responsible partners are AU and EIT Food Public Engagement Functional Area (advice, support and coordination with EIT Food channels).

The main part of the project is a consumer survey conducted in 10 countries, where the results will be available in September. Based on the results from the survey, workshops with industry will be conducted to develop scenarios for the future.

Scope of Work:

The task includes: 

• Press coverage: 10 mentions in print

• Online media audience: 500 (across website and social media measured by visitors/fans/followers/ subscribers)

• Event: e.g. program, lecture, presentation or have a presence (e.g. booth); Kick-off meeting, visiting events or project workshops cannot be considered as events

Communication and outreach of results to 

1. food industry 

2. public authorities 

3. the general public within 10 European countries ( Spain, Sweden, Germany, UK, Poland, Italy, France, Greece, Finland, Romania)

The activities should be coordinated both with the project coordinator (AU) and with the EIT Food HQ.

Timing of the assignment 

The Contracting Authority expect to have the survey data available in the end of September. Consequently, the scenarios will be formulated during the first half of October. The communication campaign is planned to run from the middle of October until December 2020.

Fixed price task 

The contract is offered as a fixed price task, which includes all the supplier’s costs for solving the task. The Contracting Authority settles 75.000 € with the winning supplier for the offered solution.

4. Procedures and terms of competition 

In the following all information concerning the procurement process will be outlined.

Due Date:

Wednesday the 23rd of September 2020 at 2 pm.


Official name: Aarhus Universitet
National registration number: 31119103
Postal address: Nordre Ringgade 1
Town: Aarhus C
Postal code: 8000
Country: Denmark
Contact person: Suheyla Savas
Telephone: +45 93508667

Internet address(es):

Main address:

Agencies to consider include Alison Brod PR and Hunter PR.

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