Marketing Services for the City of Los Angeles Ready Your LA Neighborhood (RYLAN) Program


The City of Los Angeles is looking for qualified marketing firms to provide marketing services for the City’s Ready Your LA Neighborhood (RYLAN) program. The Consultant is expected to conduct market research, develop messaging and creative content, and implement a strategic marketing campaign for RYLAN. In addition, the Consultant will track campaign progress and provide actionable recommendations to the City of Los Angeles Emergency Management Department. The goal of this RFP is to increase awareness of the emergency threats that Angelenos face, and to compel residents to engage in proactive personal and community preparedness activities, specifically the RYLAN program. The selected Consultant must have experience working with diverse communities, an understanding of various community needs, and can demonstrate a commitment to racial and gender equity in previous work.


The City of Los Angeles (City) is prone to many natural and man-made threats, including wildfires, flooding, mudslides, earthquakes, and beyond. Due to the many threats that Angelenos face, emergency preparedness is paramount to the wellbeing, safety, and resilience of our communities. Thankfully, with increased access to modern technologies and innovative strategies for effective community engagement, the City is excited to reimagine and pioneer how local government goes about community emergency preparedness. In 2017, the City of Los Angeles Emergency Management Department (EMD) launched the Ready Your LA Neighborhood (RYLAN) program to assist individuals, families and neighborhoods prepare for disasters and create neighborhood emergency response plans. RYLAN consists of several preparedness activities for Angelenos, centered on helping them prepare in order to reduce the impacts of a serious disaster. The central activity is the Map Your Neighborhood (MYN) workshop, where residents create an emergency response plan for their neighborhood, and learn what steps to take in the immediate aftermath of a disaster. For an overview of the MYN workshop, please review the RYLAN Orientation video, at: Since the program’s inception, EMD has facilitated in-person MYN workshops with groups of 5-30 people. To date, more than 400 neighborhood response plans have been completed with the assistance of EMD. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, EMD has temporarily suspended all in-person 4 RYLAN MYN workshops. The original program featured neighbors convening in homes, community rooms, or other locations within their neighborhood. Currently, it is not conducive to hold in-person meetings and comply with social distancing protocols. As a result, EMD is embarking upon a new RYLAN model which features two virtual training options: Do-It-Yourself RYLAN (self-led) or EMD-facilitated. For additional information about RYLAN, please visit: The Scope of Work is detailed in Section 4 below.

Scope of Work:

Project Overview and Objective

The City seeks to better understand Angelenos’ perceptions and attitudes, in order to motivate and compel residents to take ownership of neighborhood preparedness. Further, the City hopes to expand access to neighborhood preparedness resources, specifically RYLAN, to as many Angelenos as possible. Accordingly, the City seeks to:

· Utilize the results of a market research study to determine the most effective engagement strategies for promoting the RYLAN program; and

· Increase awareness of, and participation in, the City’s RYLAN program through a strategic marketing campaign that promotes virtual RYLAN in the short-term, and provides EMD with a long-term RYLAN promotional strategy. For additional details, please see Deliverables, Section 4.5 below.

4.2. Project Management

4.2.1. Meetings

● The Consultant shall schedule a virtual kick-off meeting with EMD staff to receive an overview of the City’s RYLAN Program, and to discuss the challenges that EMD currently faces in marketing RYLAN to City residents. The kick-off meeting is expected to last 2-4 hours.

● Throughout the performance period, the Consultant shall convene weekly status meetings with EMD and the Mayor’s Office of Public Safety (MOPS) to discuss progress, campaign effectiveness, trends and other relevant updates.

● In addition, EMD will convene the following meetings, with the Consultant and MOPS to review and approve all project deliverables:

a. Meeting #1: Presentation regarding preliminary findings of Market Research Study, within 30 business days of contract execution.

b. Meeting #2: Presentation regarding market research study findings and proposed marketing campaign deliverables, within 90 business days of contract execution.

c. Meeting #3: Presentation (midway through the campaign) regarding campaign progress, trends and effectiveness, approximately 7 months from contract execution.

d. Meeting #4: Presentation regarding final deliverables, by January 31, 2022.

● Other meetings may be scheduled, as needed.

4.2.2. Personnel

● The Consultant shall assign a Project Manager (Consultant PM) to act as the main point of contact for this project. The Consultant PM shall be responsible for conducting necessary project meetings and coordinating with EMD during this project.

● In addition, EMD shall designate a Project Manager (EMD PM) to oversee and coordinate all aspects of the project. The EMD PM will coordinate with other City stakeholders and/or other EMD vendors described below.

● MOPS shall also assign a point of contact (MOPS POC) to coordinate and facilitate necessary meetings, and other elements as required.

Due Date:

October 6, 2020 at 3:00 p.m.


Relevant agencies to consider include Ruder Finn and Finn Partners.

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