Media RFP Issued By The Ohio Department of Aging
The Ohio Department of Aging is requesting proposals from qualified Offerors to provide creation and production of radio and television spots and creation of camera-ready poster designs.
ODA and the Office of the State Long-Term Care Ombudsman (Office) received supplemental funding through the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2021: Grants to Enhance Capacity of Long-Term Care Ombudsman Programs to Respond to Complaints of Abuse and Neglect of Residents in Long-Term Care Facilities During the COVID–19 Public Health Emergency. For this project, the Office will use a portion of the funding for education and outreach to raise awareness of the role of the Ombudsman in addressing complaints related to abuse, neglect, and poor care in long-term care facilities. During the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency, Ombudsman representatives had limited in-person access to residents. Representatives have used a variety of methods to reach out to residents and families, yet each time Governor DeWine provided the Ombudsman phone number and email address during press conferences, calls to the Ombudsman increased. Our experience demonstrated that a broad information campaign is needed to sustain public awareness. This RFP is for the creation and production of radio and television spots and the creation of camera-ready poster designs. Media buys will be a separate bid and not commence until after December 1, 2021.
Scope of Work:
This Project requires a cohesive outreach campaign on behalf of the Office to educate consumers about
their rights, inform them about ombudsman services and how to access an advocate and recruit long-term care ombudsman volunteers. Deliverables include:
1. Video spots suitable for television or social media including script preparation, studio time, music
license fee, and talent fee. Expected themes:
a.Know your rights as a long-term care consumer, protection from abuse and neglect, and call
an ombudsman if you need help (one 15 sec and one 30 sec); and
b. COVID-19 challenges in long-term care and call an ombudsman if you need help (one 15 sec
and one 30 sec).
2. Three (3) 30-second audio spots suitable for radio including script preparation, studio time, music
license fee, and talent fee. Expected themes:
a. Know your rights as a long-term care consumer, protection from abuse and neglect, and call
an ombudsman if you need help;
b. COVID-19 challenges in long-term care and call an ombudsman if you need help; and
c. Long-term care consumers need your help, consider being a volunteer ombudsman.
3. Four (4) companion camera-ready poster designs with QR codes to link users to State Ombudsman
contact form or webpage. Expected themes:
a. Volunteer recruitment;
b. Abuse/neglect;
c. Know your rights; and
d. COVID-19.
The campaign should focus on the adult children and spouses of long-term care consumers and potential
volunteers. The campaign should appeal to demographics across racial and socio-economic spectrum and
have representation of persons of color in photography or illustration. The products must use the LongTerm Care Ombudsman logo, include the Office of the State Long-Term Care Ombudsman contact
information, and use verbiage to acknowledge grant funding. ODA must be able to insert local logos and
contact information, especially in posters, for future use.
Due Date: September 14, 2021 by 1:00 P.M.
Each Offeror must submit a Technical Proposal and a Cost Proposal as part of its Proposal package. Proposals must be submitted as two (2) separate components (Technical Proposal and Cost Proposal) in separate e-mails. Each Technical Proposal submission must be clearly marked “AGE21- 04 RFP – Technical Proposal” in the Subject Line. Each Cost Proposal submission must be clearly marked “AGE21-04 RFP – Cost Proposal” in the Subject Line. The technical proposals will be evaluated independent of the cost proposal. Proposals are due no later than the Proposal Due Date, at 1:00 p.m. Proposals must be submitted to: