Media Training RFP Issued

Media Training RFP Issued

Media Training RFP Issued

The Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), one of the leading scientific research and technology development organizations in Africa is seeking media training for their executives. In partnership with national and international research and technology institutions, CSIR undertakes directed and multidisciplinary research and technology innovation that contributes to the improvement of the quality of life of South Africans.


The main purpose of the CSIR’s media strategy is to favourably position the organisation within the media sector as the leader in science and technology. The strategy focuses more on creating platforms in the media in order for CSIR scientists to share their work with society. Therefore it is important that CSIR employees, especially scientists and researchers, are familiar with how the media operates, how to use the media to their own advantage and how to handle interviews to ensure that the right message is conveyed.

It is in this case that the CSIR requires the services of a company that can offer media and science communication training to its staff. Science communication techniques will help our science, engineering and technology base to simplify their messages to a variety of audiences and not just the media

  1. Media training plan: A clear outline of what the training will cover.
    • Clearly defined and detailed plan of what the media training will cover including activities.
  2. Short video production: A description and possible example of a short video that the supplier has produced.
    • A clear outline of how the video will be produced and what it will cover.
  3. Media training report: The service provider must be able to provide examples or show how the media report will be compiled.
    • A description of how the report will be compiled and possible examples.
  4. Experience: The service provider’s ability to conduct media training will be measured by examples of where such work was completed
    • The service provider’s ability to conduct media training will be measured by examples of where such work was completed.

Proposal due by July 29 2016 to:

Meiring Baude Road
Preoria, Gauteng
(012) 841 2911

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