Missouri Marketing Analysis 

university of missouri

Proposals Due: February 8, 2024

Project Summary:

The Southeast Missouri Regional Planning and Economic Development Commission (SEMO RPC), serving as the coordination agency in partnership with Southeast Missouri Regional Economic Development, Inc. (SE MO REDi), Perry County Economic Development Authority (PCEDA), and Sikeston Area Economic Development Corporation (SAEDC) is requesting quotes for professional consulting services to complete an Industrial Market Analysis of the area served by the partner organizations. Additionally, potential industrial development locations identified by the consultant are to receive an outline of infrastructure and site needs with associated cost estimates to support target industries identified in the market analysis.

Project Background:

In 2020 the Cape Girardeau MAGNET engaged in a strategic planning effort to identify needs and opportunities to move the Cape Girardeau area forward. An outcome of this process was the restructuring of the organization into Southeast Missouri Regional Economic Development, Inc. (SE MO REDi) to include a more regional approach to development and growth. Restructuring has helped create better partnerships with economic development entities serving Perry, Scott, and New Madrid counties. This project, the first unified effort of the broader regional coalition, is designed to address critical industrial site needs while building more collaborative regional efforts in business attraction, expansion, and retention. The project will help the region gain insight into existing industrial clusters, potential target industries, synergize target industries between the partnership agencies, and determine site needs that support and attract these target industries.

This multi-county area is located between St. Louis, Missouri and Memphis, TN on the Interstate 55 corridor. SAEDC on the southern end is also situated on the Interstate 57 corridor which is planned to be extended to Little Rock, AR. In addition to I57 two more Mississippi River bridges connect the area to Illinois, one in Cape Girardeau and the other in Perry County. The region is also served by the SEMO Port in Cape Girardeau with rail and barge transload facilities and Cape Girardeau Regional Airport with daily commercial flights to Nashville, TN. This will be referred to as the Project Area and a map is provided in Attachment A.

Scope of Work:

The Consultant Scope of Work is divided into two main objectives with pricing being requested for each separately. The first of which being the Industrial Market Analysis and the second related to individually identified industrial site needs. The Consultant will begin the project with a Kick-Off meeting with each partner agency to obtain relevant information pertaining to each agency, discuss goals for each agency, and collect detailed information on sites selected for development planning.

Objective 1 – Industrial Market Analysis

The Consultant is to provide a comprehensive analysis of the Project Area’s current industrial market, opportunities, and outlook and should include but is not limited to, the following:

Analysis of trends in the current market and provide an assessment of current conditions and near-term outlook of the Project Area to meet the demands of these industries.

Identify existing industrial clusters in Project Area

Identify existing industrial clusters in following surrounding counties

MO – Bollinger, Butler, Dunklin, Iron, Jefferson, Madison, Mississippi, New Madrid, Pemiscot, St. Francois, Ste. Genevieve

IL – Alexander, Jackson, Pulaski, Randolph, Union

KY – Ballard, Carlisle, Fulton, Hickman

Identify potential industries and markets that clusters could be developed

Prioritize markets and industries that each partner agency could target to promote regional support and resiliency.

Review existing applicable industrial and manufacturing zoning regulations and develop recommendations for updates to promote development and expansion

Provide strategies and best practices for inter-agency coordination and cooperation in developing and expanding industrial and manufacturing clusters

Objective 2 – Industrial Site Development Plans

The consultant is to utilize results from the Objective 1 and identify a suitable site for development in each partner agency jurisdiction to support attraction and development of prioritized markets and industries. These identified sites should include an analysis of existing infrastructure servicing the sites and listing current utility capacities. Additionally, the consultant is to identify the infrastructure and utility capacities necessary to support the identified priority markets and industries and provide cost estimates for infrastructure and utility improvements to close any found gaps in infrastructure or utility capacities.

The consultant is to work with the partner agencies during its site analysis process to factor in local knowledge of the region, existing development plans, and other local factors that may influence land use restrictions or regulation. Per EDA guidelines all site identification, analysis, and cost estimating must be for infrastructure that provides public benefit and access and not restricted for a single industry or business.


The Consultant is to deliver a final market analysis report for the project area in a digital format to all partner agencies and be available to present findings if requested. Additionally, each partner agency is to receive an overview report for sites identified by the consultant for potential development. This is to include existing capacities for all utilities and infrastructure, recommended capacities and improvements needed for target industries, options, and cost estimates to achieve these capacities that can be utilized by the partner agencies to determine feasibility and strategies to implement future development of those sites. All work and deliverables are to be completed within 12 months of the notice of award.

Submittal Process:

All proposals are due at 4:30 pm on Friday, February 8, 2024 at the SEMO RPC office, by email:

to: jtanz@semorpc.org

subject line: Industrial Market Analysis Proposal

by mail:


Attn: Industrial Market Analysis Proposal

1 W. Saint Joseph St. Perryville, MO 63775

Proposals submitted after the due date and time will not be considered.


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