News from MWW PR, Edelman, Steve Bannon, and Stephan Huvane

What MWW PR and Wakefield Research’s HerVoice Survey Shows


The HerVoice Survey of 1000 adults in the US, commissioned by MWWPR and Wakefield Research, looked at gender-based bias issues and the glass ceiling for women. The survey asked respondents what they perceive and expect from both female and male leadership in companies. They got responses indicating that stereotypes about women in leadership being weak had not changed significantly over the past few decades. The survey was done prior to the Presidential election during October.

Most participants indicated that they believe men are more likely to be stronger at increasing the finances of a company (83%), creating effective business strategies (79%), and that women are weaker in negotiating (69%). Respondents indicated that they think women are almost equal at managing people (for women – 45%), and that men possess an advantage over women in managing work-life balance (59%).

Hackers Snuggled Their Way into 412 Million AdultFriendFinder Network Accounts,,,, and accounts, all part of the FriendFinder network, may have been hacked in October (probably before the 20th), a hack which was only fully reported by LeakedSource after the beginning of November. Early estimates were that as many as 100 million accounts were hacked. That number has since quadrupled, making it the largest hack in 2016 so far. Over 5,000 email addresses obtained from the hack came from .gov addresses. That’s not going to go over well with the government.

A press release was issued by Edelman PR on Monday, November 14th, and included the following language: “Based on the ongoing investigation, FFN has not been able to determine the exact volume of compromised information. However, because FFN values its relationship with customers and takes seriously the protection of customer data, FFN is in the process of notifying affected users to provide them with information and guidance on how they can protect themselves.” Prior to this press release, all statements came from FriendFider Networks’ PR leader Diana Lynn Ballou.

Steve Bannon, New Chief Advisor for Trump – Efforts to Turn the Tide of Bad Press

A lot of Trump’s opening efforts in preparing to move into the White House seem positive. But his recent appointment of Steve Bannon, former Breitbart News boss and alleged alt-right supporter, is under heavy scrutiny. Publicist Maria Sliwa is doing her best to show how good the move is, but it’s a hard fight. Most of the problem centers around the alt-right, considered to be a near-neo-nazi subgroup of conservatives, and Breitbart’s voice is indeed very conservative.

Interestingly, although Sliwa has offered to set up press interviews with Bannon compatriots and is trying to establish good vibes for him, she also says she does not work for Bannon, though she says she has a client who is working for him.

Stephen Huvane Good at More Than Publicity

By day, he’s a mild-mannered publicist… but according to Architecture Digest, he is also known for having acquired two Spanish-style California homes and utterly transformed them along with his partner Steven Janssen. One home is in Los Angeles and the other in Palm Springs. Huvane moved to California more than 20 years ago from NYC. When he got to LA, he started work for a friend in his PR company. Later he formed Slate PR along with three other PR specialists.

Slate represents celebrities like Julianne Moore, Anne Hathaway, and Gwyneth Paltrow. Since he often did business from his apartment in Hollywood, he finally decided he wanted a home with outdoor space where he could relax as well as entertain. That impulse sparked his restoration of the two properties, which are decorated in a more mid-century modern feel.

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