PR News: IPG PR Firms, Regan Communications, Kenworks and Steinreich

IPG Interpublic Group

PR firms in Interpublic Group’s CMG unit show continued growth in 2016

Most of the PR firms under Interpublic Group’s umbrella are included in their CMG unit – and the CMG unit continues to fare well in 2016 – beating the economic odds recently and growing. For Q2 they’ve seen a 2.8 percent year-over-year organic revenue growth making $369.4 million during Q2 2016. And for the first half of 2016, the numbers are even better according to Andy Polansky, CEO of Weber Shandwick.

Among the CMG unit’s PR firms are Weber Shandwick, DeVries, Golan, Spong, PMK*BNC, and more. Polansky said he’s “cautiously optimistic” when it comes to the impact from Brexit in the UK, where WS has a lot of interests.

Regan Communications

Regan Communications office expansion is sinking

George Regan bought a condo in the Union Wharf Condominium Trust with the intention of expanding his offices. But that’s on hold because of extensive water damage to the unit. He’s recently filed a complaint in the Suffolk Superior Court to help him get the UWCT to repair existing damage and do what is needed to “prevent water and moisture from seeping into his new unit from the common areas.”

Attorneys for the UWCT claim Regan should have known water damage was possible considering the high water table since it is almost right on the harbor. Clive Martin of Robison & Cole law firm said, “He’s looking for an awful lot of money, and there’s no way my clients, the trustees, see themselves as responsible or liable.”

The condo is one of 90 built at the North End’s edge in an old granite warehouse and includes both residential units and offices. Regan’s unit is one of the offices, and it includes basement and ground-floor space (Unit 111A). Regan says that construction experts have told him the problem is not in the unit but with the building, but the building’s insurance won’t cover the costs of fixing the damage to his new office space.

steinreich communications pr

Kenwerks picked up by Steinreich Communications

A Fashion PR agency was acquired by Steinreich Communications Group – and the employees from Kenwerks will all continue working, now from one or the other of the existing Steinreich locations.

Kenneth Loo, CEO of Kenworks, also joins SCG as a Sr. VP of their global fashion group. Loo’s experience includes working with many top fashion brands such as, Motel Rocks, Mavi, Southern Tide, CULT DENIM TRITON, Koolaburra, Simple Shoes, and Rodd & Gunn.

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