North Dakota Marketing Agency Sought For Agriculture

North Dakota Public Relations RFP

North Dakota Public Relations RFP

The North Dakota Department of Agriculture is seeking an ad agency and marketing firm for the Department’s 2016 Pride of Dakota Showcase Events.

Pride of Dakota (“POD”) was created in 1985 by former Commissioner of Agriculture Kent Jones who asked a small group of North Dakota businesses and the Department marketing staff to develop an identifiable state brand that would designate products as “made in North Dakota.”

POD is a program of the Department with the goal of providing local business owners the business development resources and marketing opportunities they need to be successful. The program’s primary purpose is to expand, improve, and develop marketing for North Dakota products and services by promoting their use and sale.

The Department is seeking a contractor to develop a multi-platform advertising campaign (including artwork, media buys, and media placement) to promote the following five (5) Events:

  • Dickinson Harvest Showcase – Saturday and Sunday, September 17-18, 2016
  • Grand Forks Holiday Showcase – Saturday and Sunday, November 5-6, 2016
  • Minot Holiday Showcase – Saturday and Sunday, November 12-13, 2016
  • Fargo Holiday Showcase – Friday, Saturday and Sunday, November 18-20, 2016
  • Bismarck Holiday Showcase – Friday, Saturday and Sunday, December 2-4, 2016

These Events present an opportunity for new POD members to get their products in front of a large, diverse audience; create residual sales for veteran members; and provide shoppers with an opportunity to support the local economy while purchasing gifts and goods they would otherwise purchase elsewhere.

Advertising platforms used in the past include: print, radio, television, outdoor billboards, digital, and social media.

Offerors should consider general Event advertising on a statewide scale, with a focus on the communities where the Events are being held. The Department’s target audience is the female population between 25-65 years, with secondary focus on others directly or indirectly engaged in supporting local, household purchasers, or those active in community events.

Proposals are due by May 5 and should be submitted to: North Dakota Department of Agriculture Attn: Jeannie Jacobs-Kopp, 600 E. Boulevard Ave., Dept. 602, Bismarck, ND 58505-0020

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