Northeast Florida Regional Council Issues Marketing RFP

Northeast Florida Regional Council Issues Marketing RFP

Northeast Florida Regional Council Issues Marketing RFP

This Request for Proposal (RFP) is to obtain the services of a Marketing Firm that can assist the three healthcare coalitions in Region 3 – Northeast Florida Healthcare Coalition, North Central Florida Healthcare Coalition and the Coalition for Health and Medical Preparedness (CHAMP).


Healthcare Coalitions have been defined as “a collaborative network of healthcare organizations and their respective public and private sector response partners that serve as a multi-agency coordinating group to assist with preparedness, response, recovery, and mitigation activities related to healthcare organization disaster operations.” The development and sustainment of Healthcare Coalitions (HCC) is a federal initiative and a requirement of the Hospital Preparedness Program (HPP) Cooperative Agreement funded by the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR). The purpose of HCCs is to ensure that local providers and other healthcare partners plan collaboratively for the risks facing the healthcare community and identify available local resources.

Each of the three Coalitions represents different geographic areas, but all are made up of multi-discipline, multi-jurisdictional partners. These include public, private and governmental agencies that are a part of the overall healthcare system in the six county region. Disciplines include, but are not limited to: Health Providers, Medical First Responders, Public Health officials, Emergency Management, to name a few.

The Northeast Florida Healthcare Coalition was formed in 2013 and includes Nassau, Duval, Baker, Clay, Flagler and St. Johns Counties. The North Central Florida Healthcare Coalition includes Alachua, Bradford, Union, Gilchrist, Columbia, Hamilton, Suwannee, Lafayette, Dixie, Levy and Putnam counties. CHAMP represents Marion County.

Scope of Work:

The services requested are for planning, research, contact and engagement to increase awareness of each Coalition and to increase membership in the targeted sections for membership. Potential Members include:

  • Hospitals
  • Long Term Care
  • Emergency Management/Public Safety agencies
  • Law Enforcement
  • Fire/Rescue / EMS
  • Dialysis Centers
  • AmSurg Facilities
  • Home Healthcare
  • Public Health Agencies
  • Trauma Programs
  • Private Practice Doctors
  • Hospice Facilities
  • Pharmacy’s
  • Medical Examiners
  • Durable Medical Equipment Providers
  • Dialysis Centers
  • Other related healthcare facilities

Additionally, provide services related to:

  • consultation and feedback on increasing brand awareness,
  • creative and innovative ideas to reach new members,
  • develop methods and products to increase the visibility of the Coalition and its mission to the public at large, and
  • provide approaches to educate members on services provided by the Coalition and benefits to membership.

It is expected that available resources are used in the most conservative way to reach the most targeted individuals, facilities, and organizations for increased awareness of coalition initiatives and increase coalition membership across the three coalitions. Additionally, individual coalitions may have additional expectations of the selected marketing firm and will be decided by each Coalition Board on those needs.

Due Date:

June 27th


Northeast Florida Regional Council

100 Festival Park Avenue

Jacksonville, FL 32202

Attention: Donna Starling

W2O Group is a leading healthcare pr agency.

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