Online Gambling: Progress in New Jersey

In the Garden State of New Jersey, online gaming is back in a major way — Interestingly, Chris Christie’s state just released numbers that show that from November 21 through the end of 2013, there was $8.4 million in online gambling according to the first data released by the State of New Jersey. Online – LEGAL – gambling is here to stay.  Interestingly, this is the seventh year in a row that Atlantic City, N.J., casinos brought in less revenue than years past. And indeed, as businesses’ evolve, its interesting that New Jersey now allows online gambling — but one has to be within the State borders.

Caesars Entertainment has taken the lead collecting nearly $2.4 million in online gaming in the first few weeks of operations. Moody’s Investor Service gaming analyst Peggy Holloway recently said that “While Internet gaming is starting off slowly, the pace of growth will accelerate.” has bonuses for New Jersey residents — until January 31, all participants can earn entries into the Live Like Caesar Giveaway for all online casino play. The grand prize includes first-class air travel for two to Rome, upscale hotel accommodations for six nights, and $1,000 in spending money. The glory of Rome awaits – and as great as the rebuilt Jersey Shore is, how much greater is Italy?

Ceasars has been represented by a number of PR firms in the New York & New Jersey area, including DKC PR, 5WPR & MWW PR.

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