Oregon State Lottery Commission Issues Marketing RFP

Oregon State Lottery Commission Issues Marketing RFP

Oregon State Lottery Commission Issues Marketing RFP

Oregon State Lottery Commission (“Lottery”) issues a full-scale marketing RFP. Lottery’s mission is to operate a statewide lottery with the highest standards of security and integrity to earn maximum profits for the people of Oregon, commensurate with the public good. Since 1985, a portion of every dollar played on Lottery games has gone back into doing good things for Oregon. Lottery dollars support Oregon education, economic development, state parks, and watershed restoration (“Funded Programs”). Over $10 billion in revenue has gone towards funding these crucial Funded Programs that help Oregon prosper.

In line with Lottery’s mission of maximizing revenue commensurate with the public good, around 2005 Lottery created the Oregon Wins Brand Program to communicate to Oregonians how Lottery contributes to the public good by highlighting how the Funded Programs benefit from Lottery dollars. The Brand Program was highly successful. The data from its 2015 “Social Responsibility Tracking Studies”, showed that 70% or more adult Oregonians rated Lottery favorably as a result of the Brand Program.


In issuing this RFP, Lottery’s seeks to contract with a qualified firm that can help Lottery meet its continued business objective of realizing a 70% or more favorability rating from adult Oregonians. In doing so, Lottery intends to, and seeks the assistance of a firm to help, continue its Brand Program by focusing on two main messages: (i) the benefits Oregonians receive as a result of Lottery dollars, as opposed to the amount of money that Lottery gives, and (ii) the primary beneficial nature of the Oregon Lottery Brand, as opposed to quantifying with numbers and percentages Lottery’s various contributions. Numbers and percentages can be questioned; the tangible results and benefits Oregonians see every day in a healthy and sustainable state parks system, positive job creation, and effective schools cannot.

Scope to include:

    • To help identify strategic direction for the promotion of the Brand Program message. This may include general strategic input, directed brainstorming and ideation, secondary research compilation, interaction with Lottery fund recipient agencies, communication plan recommendations and the like.
    • Creative concepts for any combination of Lottery’s multi-media advertisements. Creative development may include traditional advertisements for television, digital and social media, radio, print, direct mail, out-of-home, point- of-purchase, collateral materials; and any other non-traditional advertising, advertisements or marketing outreach efforts. The successful Proposer may be required to interact with other Lottery contractors to extend concepts to web, digital, and social media, as well as other advertising areas outside the Brand Program.
    • Produce and deliver any combination of Lottery’s approved multi-media advertisements. Production planning and execution may include advertisements for television, digital and social media, radio, print, out-of-home, point-of-purchase, collateral materials, merchandising displays, promotional items, and any other advertising or marketing outreach effort that Lottery selects to support its Brand Program.

As part of the production planning, the successful Proposer will prepare and submit a production timeline for all deliverables up to the final delivery of the selected and approved electronic master of each advertisement or advertising materials to Lottery.

Proposal due by Tuesday, December 13, 2016 to:

Lottery Procurement Analyst: Julie Schmoyer Oregon State Lottery
500 Airport Road SE, Salem, OR 97301
P: 503-540-1284

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