The Pennsylvania Chapter of the American Planning Association invites all interested, qualified firms to submit a proposal to provide professional consulting services for the purpose of advising the Pennsylvania Chapter of the American Planning Association in legislative matters at the State level for issues identified by Chapter’s Legislative Committee with input from the Chapter’s Board and Executive Committee.
The Pennsylvania Chapter of the American Planning Association is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit, non-partisan organization for professional planners, planning officials and those interested in the function and profile of planning in the Commonwealth. The organization is a chapter of the American Planning Association (APA). Approximately 2,500 members strong, the Pennsylvania Chapter works to promote planning at all levels of the Commonwealth through trainings, an annual conference, legislative monitoring, and public awareness efforts. Pennsylvania Chapter of APA members collaborate with various statewide and regional groups with shared values and goals. The Chapter is organized into six sections which provide local service to members and others through program meetings, local workshops, newsletters, and announcements. The Chapter is operated by an administrative contractor and a volunteer Chapter board consisting of a President, Executive Committee, and various other committees including the Legislative Committee. All correspondence and communication related to this contract will be coordinated through the Chapter’s Legislative Chair.
Scope of Work:
The successful firm will provide legislative monitoring and very limited, if any, lobbying services at the State level to assist the Pennsylvania Chapter of the American Planning Association in advancing its legislative agenda to raise the profile of planning and planning-related initiatives in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The legislative advisory services shall include, but not be limited to: monitoring of relevant legislation, organizing and curating the information by identified issues for distribution to Chapter membership and working with Legislative Committee membership (specifically designated Issue Experts) to identify and evaluate legislation poised to move forward for a vote in committee or on the floor.
The successful firm must agree to be available at all times upon reasonable request to meet by phone and occasionally in person with Chapter leadership and others as specified in order to perform duties. It is expected that the successful firm will review and understand the agendas of the House and Senate leaders regarding issues that affect the function of planning.
The successful firm will work collaboratively with the Pennsylvania Chapter of the American Planning Association Legislative Committee to identify, track and report on legislation pertinent to and impacting the issues related to priorities and responsibilities of the American Planning Association and the Pennsylvania Chapter.
This agenda will include areas of statewide and municipal planning, with functions including but not limited to:
1. Review on a continuing basis all existing and proposed state policies, programs, and Legislation of interest to the Pennsylvania Chapter of the American Planning Association. Identify those issues that may affect the Chapter or its interests, and regularly inform the Chapter on these matters. Provide legal advice and legislative expertise to the Legislative Committee in its interaction with state and local officials.
2. Identify timely local, state and federal planning issues of interest to the Chapter and monitor action on these initiatives – advise the Chapter when they may need to take action on these items.
3. Provide to client, in a timely manner following introduction or amendment, copies of all legislation which may potentially affect the client’s interests, along with analyses of that legislation.
4. Identify and prioritize issues of interest to the Pennsylvania Chapter of the American Planning Association, including but not limited to the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code and other land-use, environmental, transportation, housing and development related topics.
When the Legislature is not in Session, the successful firm shall provide periodic reports on issues of interest or concern to the Chapter. Such information may include, but not necessarily limited to: action taken at interim committee meetings, rule making hearings, status of studies underway, and advance notice of legislation being proposed.
1. While the Legislature is in session, a written summary report shall be submitted monthly detailing legislative action taken during the past four weeks; status of legislative issues, anticipated action for the upcoming month, along with suggestions for Chapter staff to take. This report must be tailored to the Pennsylvania Chapter of the American Planning Association. Unmodified reports from external legislative monitoring services are not acceptable.
2. A minimum of four (quarterly) meetings will be required by telephone to provide counsel and assist in the development of the Chapter’s State Legislative Program. Status updates will be presented to the Chapter’s Council at those meetings and as-needed or required throughout the term of the Contract.
3. Assist in the development and evaluation of strategy for the support, opposition, or amendment of pending legislation.
4. Ability to counsel Chapter members who may appear and testify before agency hearings,
5. Provide written monthly updates and quarterly status reports on the firm’s achievements as they relate to the goals and objectives set forth in the Chapter’s legislative agenda.
6. Other required reports may include, but not necessarily be limited to, personal briefings and information bulletins pertinent to any legislation, rules, or regulations and other State or local policies or programs that affect the Chapter and its interests either directly or indirectly.
7. The consultant shall assist with a written report that summarizes the status of the Chapter’s legislative accomplishments within one (1) week of the closing of the session and assist with a more detailed final written a report on specific legislation and new requirements affecting the Chapter to complete the session-end report.
Due Date:
February 15th, 2019.
MWWPR and APCO Worldwide have lobbying arms.