PR Agency Needed By Canara Bank

Canara Bank

Canara Bank invites sealed applications from eligible PR agencies for Selection as Bank’s PR agency for enabling its Public Relations services. Canara Bank proposes to engage a PR agency for the services mentioned in the scope of work of this Tender document. The Public Relation Agency will be responsible for developing and implementing any Public Relation Activities to be organized by the Bank. Its strategy, execution for various banks activities, product launch, promotion events, internal events, Press Conferences, Analyst Meet, Conclave etc.


CANARA BANK, a body Corporate and a premier Public Sector Bank established in the year 1906 and nationalized under the Banking Companies (Acquisition and Transfer of Undertakings) Act, 1970 is having its Head Office at #112, J C Road, Bengaluru-560002. The Bank is having pan India presence of more than 10000+ branches, 24 Circle Offices spread across the country. The Bank is working on Core Banking System using Flex cube solutions.

2.1.1 Long Term Strategy To assist in reorienting the Bank’s strategy / visibility plan by drawing up a Long term communication strategy, which shall be reviewed at least once in a year. To increase visibility and enhance top of mind recall of Bank among its various stakeholders vis-à-vis customers, investors, Government and public at large. To engage with the stakeholders for developing a positive brand story for the Bank.

2.1.2 Media activities To maintain rapport with the Press, Media Management – Electronic, digital and any other emerging media to ensure adequate and Positive coverage of the Bank. To disseminate information on national basis or locally(as per bank’s requirement) in various media i.e. print, electronic, digital and any other emerging media through press releases including emerging modes of communications. To assist in managing one on one relationships of the management with all identified media professionals relevant to the Bank apart from managing all media events including one-on one meetings/interviews of the authorized spokesperson of the Bank. To provide and maintain an updated list of media professionals relevant to the Bank. Assist Bank for its presence in digital and/ or social media and any other emerging media.

2.1.3 Media Monitoring 

To track mainline, regional business and crisis communication trade publications, magazines along with electronic and digital media to monitor specific coverage and perceptions about the Bank on a day to day basis. Preparing and submitting a report on daily basis (soft copy and Hard copy) covering news on Canara Bank in Particular and Banking related news (BFSI) in general. To submit a comprehensive report at the end of every month giving detailed coverage for the Bank and analysis of the same in print, electronic and digital media vis-à-vis its major competitors. To handle and bring to the notice of the Bank any coverage that is detrimental to the Interest of the Bank. Prepare a proactive strategy for crisis communication and chalk out the key message, communication plan and ensure effective implementation of the plan for desired results.

2.1.4 Brand Penetration 

To suggest suitable strategies for Brand Penetration Strategies building through marketing and PR campaigns in different media. To support the Market & Government Relations in their day to day PR and Corporate Communication related works.

2.1.5Corporate Communications 

1. To provide media training programmes for key personnel / identified spokespersons of the Bank.

2. To provide suitable media training programmes for PR officials and identified officials of Business Verticals in the Bank.

3. To devise methods and communication strategy for better investor and analyst relations.

4. To do the content Management for offline and on line media as and when required by the Bank from time to time.

5. To provide transcript for better media input and media briefing.

2.1.6Market Intelligence 

To provide information for Business, Market Research development and Image building.

2.1.7Event Management 

To organize Press Conferences, Product launches, Seminars, Investors Meet, Analyst Meet, Road shows, etc across Pan India in major cities.

2.1.8Perception Research Conduct a detailed opinion survey once a year amongst analysts, fund managers and media analysts.

2.1.9 Training The PR agency shall undertake to provide training on PR skills/strategies to identify staff as and when required by the Bank with no additional cost at Bank’s Corporate Office / any other place as desired by the Bank .

2.1.10 Digital Online Reputation Management 

i) Mainline Tracking, Monitoring and Listening. 

ii) Intelligent reporting & Crisis Mitigation 

iii) Response and Redressal. 

2.1.11 Crisis Communication and Damage Control 

1.To prepare a proactive strategy for crisis communication and chalk out the key message, communication plan and ensure effective implementation of the plan for desired results. 2. To track mainline, regional business and Trade publications, magazines along with the electronic & digital media to monitor specific coverage and perceptions about the Bank on day to day basis

2.1.12 Geographic Presence:

At Bank’s Head Office located at Bangalore and at the Bank’s 24 Circle Offices situated in different parts of the country.

2.1.13 Reporting requirements 

Agency shall provide following: 

a) A monthly report of PR activities conducted and results thereof.

b) Quarterly review to monitor progress and effectiveness of PR programs/ Messaging strategy

c) All interviews/interactions/press conference of top executivesto be provided to theBank on an on-going basis

Due Date:

August 5 


Canara Bank Marketing & Communication Section Marketing and Government Relations Wing, HO: Bengaluru Head Office Annexe 2 nd Cross, Gandhi Nagar- Bengaluru 560009

Agencies worth considering for this assignment include Shift Communications and Edelman PR.

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