PR Events to Come

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The business world is rapidly changing, in terms of both technology and general business practices, and that has made the public relations industry as fluid as ever. Taking care of clients who wish to put their freshest and most compelling face to the world has always been a difficult job, but it only becomes tougher in a climate where rules and needs are ever-evolving!

If you want to be sure that your public relations skills on are the cutting edge, check out any one of these PR events to come:

1. Health Care Summit for Public Relations and Marketing Communicators

Health Care Summit for Public Relations and Marketing Communicators

Private healthcare is one of the fastest growing emerging businesses in many parts of the world, but it requires a unique spin where public relations and marketing are concerned, and it is this spin that the Health Care Summit for Public Relations and Marketing Communications will attempt to teach its attendees.

When and Where: Pay a visit to the Gleacher Center in Chicago, Illinois on July 23, 2013 in order to learn more about how public relations and private health care collide.

2. Social Fresh West 2013

Social Fresh West 2013

No matter what public relations niche you happen to reside in, it is very likely that social media has at least a minor role to play, and the Social Fresh West conference is exactly the place to be when it comes to upping your social media game. Learn how to convert followers and fans, how to engage non-conversions to keep them coming back for more, and how to generally push forward a brand using nothing more than free tools – and a bit of savvy!

When and Where: Take your social game up a notch by visiting the Social Fresh West Conference from August 22-23, 2013 in sunny San Diego, California.

3. Incite Communications Summit

Incite Communications Summit

Focusing on multi-channel advertising as the road towards allowing your brand to tell a full, compelling story, the Incite Communications Summit is the place to be for PR professionals who need to reshape an existing brand, or build a new one from scratch, giving you all of the insight that you need to ensure that your endeavor ends in marketing success.

When and Where: Visit the Big Apple itself, New York City, from September 18-19, 2013 in order to take in everything that the Incite Communications Summit has to offer!

4. Social Media for Customer Service Summit

Social Media for Customer Service Summit

A big part of building a brand results directly from the way that you interact with your customers, and the Social Media for Customer Service Summit is held by people who understand that fact better than anyone else. Here you’ll learn how to better take care of your customers via social media, allowing the word about your personal service and accessibility to spread naturally, and ending with a brand that you’ll be proud to stand behind.

When and Where: Whether you’re still in town due to the Incite conference, or you’re planning an individual trip, you’ll need to find yourself in New York City from October 22-23, 2013 in order to attend the Social Media for Customer Service Summit.

5. Internet Marketing Bootcamp Orlando

Internet Marketing Bootcamp Orlando

Whether you sell a product or push a service, the internet is the most obvious free source of marketing that you have at your disposal, and the Internet Marketing Bootcamp has just the kinds of workshops and keynote speeches on hand that will help you to take advantage of the world’s favorite medium like never before!

When and Where: Use the Internet Marketing Bootcamp as the excuse you need to hit up the fun and sunny town of Orlando, Florida on October 26, 2013! If you need wheels and accommodations while you’re there, you can get great deals on rental cars at, and equally impressive rates on hotel rooms at

Check out more events to choose from here

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