PR and Marketing Tech, BlueGlass Unveils SecondStep

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BlueGlass Interactive logo

BlueGlass Interactive, the much talked about conglomerate of web and SEO gurus, announced the private Beta launch of SecondStep, first in a series of market changing products. A feature filled productivity and search marketing tool, SecondStep is an all inclusive SEO auditing, task management, and work-flow solution tool. In a digital world where scalability is often the biggest success factor, small to medium sized businesses may have found the Golden Fleece of organic search tools.

SEO audits, competitor analysis, ROI, optimized content, link building, these are just a few of the terms in our marketing and PR vocabularies – especially where early stage startup business is concerned. Now, right out of the starting blocks, it appears BlueGlass is intent on engaging their competitors on the offensive end with a product that solves 20 points of pain for business. As you can see in the video from BlueGlass below, SecondStep is an enterprise class SEM tool in both free and premium clothing.

SecondStep, even the free variant we are testing, takes SEM automation to the next level. Search audits, sustainable link acquisition and even refined SEO content development are part of BlueGlass’ initial commercial version. Here are some of the modular elements:

NextAudits – a revolutionary automated search audit process far beyond the capabilities of current market tools. This module is capable of executing hundreds of tasks simultaneously enabling pull page-level, domain-level, and competitive data – basically a complete overview of positioning in the search market.

LinkQuest – a workflow tool which enables anyone to build effective and very high quality links. This is a “white hat” module of processes – simply automated and refined.

CopyPress – Perhaps the most important of SecondStep modules, this allows campaign managers to simply select keywords in the SecondStep portal, then they simply order high quality content written by BlueGlass’ expert team of copywriters. Best of all, BlueGlass is advertising “on budget” completion on this aspect – content is king, but on budget content rules.

As PR, marketing, content, and consulting professionals ourselves, we are intimately familiar with the intricacies (especially the pitfalls) of search marketing campaigning. With clients demanding ever increasing conversion and ROI (as they should), anyone intent on a competitive edge is looking for just what BlueGlass is ironing out now. If SecondStep is a fraction as good as it appears? Well, everyone is looking for the “easy” button. Time is money as they say, and SecondStep could save fortunes – even help make some.

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