Public Relations RFP Issued By Transbay Joint Powers Authority

Public Relations RFP Issued By Transbay Joint Powers Authority

Public Relations RFP Issued By Transbay Joint Powers Authority

The Transbay Joint Powers Authority (TJPA) has issued an RFP for public relations services from firms with expertise in community outreach and public relations, including website content and social media. The TJPA seeks proposals from qualified firms to assist with TJPA’s public relations efforts as the Transbay Program shifts from construction into the beginning of transit operations. This will include serving as a resource on media issues.

The successful candidate, under the direction of the Executive Director and TJPA staff, will be responsible for community outreach to keep the public informed of the cessation of operations at the Temporary Transbay Terminal, the beginning of operations at the new Transbay Transit Center, and the Transit Center’s many amenities that will become available to the surrounding neighborhood and general public, as well as leading coordination and planning for an opening day event and maintaining a consistent and positive impression at the local, state, national, and international level of the overall Program during the transition.


In April 2001, the City and County of San Francisco (City), the Alameda-Contra Costa Transit District (AC Transit), and the Peninsula Corridor Joint Powers Board (PCJPB) executed a Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement under California law creating the TJPA.  The purpose of the TJPA is to design, build, develop, operate and maintain a new transportation terminal and associated facilities in San Francisco, known as the Transbay Transit Center Program (Program).The Program will provide expanded bus and rail service in a new Transit Center at First and Mission streets.


The chosen firm services shall include developing and implementing a comprehensive public relations and community outreach plan for the opening of the new Transbay Transit Center, including:

  1. Developing and maintaining an outreach strategy for the opening of Phase 1 and first year of operations, with detailed strategies for community and press outreach that include a website update, social media, community meetings, and temporary signage and community guides
  2. Planning and executing a public press event in April to mark completion of the cable-stayed bus ramp that leads directly from the Bay Bridge into the bus deck level of the Transit Center,
  3. Planning and executing a grand opening event for the Transit Center when the building is complete and operations are ready to begin,
  4. Ongoing Project identity, visibility, and consistent positive media coverage through print, television, radio, and social media

General Communications Needs

  1. Message – Develop and maintain a consistent and positive impression at the local, state, national, and international level of the overall Program, including the new Transit Center and the transition into Phase 1 operations, the downtown rail extension, and all other elements of Phase 2. Communicate consistently and positively the:
    • Status of final construction activities and transition into operations
    • New amenities that will be available to the surrounding neighborhood and general public
    • Value and importance of the entire Program
    • Value of the transportation components of the Program
    • On-going and continuous public support for the Program
    • The role of the Program as a national and international model for transit- oriented development
  2. Product/Delivery and Implementation
    • Comprehensive outreach plan for the opening of the new Transit Center
    • Plan for April bus ramp event, including press strategy
    • Plan for grand opening event, including press strategy
    • Annual outreach plan for targeted audiences
    • Appropriate collateral material
    • On-going media and public information campaign
    • Continued expansion of social media outreach, including incorporating new platforms as needed

Public Relations Support

The consultant shall be proactive in efforts to secure positive media coverage and shall be responsive to TJPA staff at all times as well as:

  • Implement comprehensive public relations program/plan for the completion of Phase 1 construction and transition into operations through use of established methods, effective tools, and available resources. The program/plan shall communicate effectively with identified target audiences. Under the program/plan, the following ongoing areas should continue to be addressed:
    • Maintain consistent TJPA identity, image, and message to ensure positive coverage and support. The TJPA seeks a consistent and common public identity that the public, media, and decision makers can easily associate with the Program and TJPA Board and staff.
    • Marketing strategies to disseminate the message.
  • Maintain and enhance Program’s visibility in the community, including maintaining outreach lists for distribution of various materials.
  • Develop and implement a plan for an April event to mark completion of the cable- stayed bus ramp. The plan should include timing, staging, agenda, speakers, invite list, and strategy for community and press outreach to advertise the event.
  • Develop and implement a plan for a grand opening event for Phase 1. The plan should include timing, staging, agenda, speakers, invite list, and strategy for community and press outreach to advertise the event.
  • Implementation of ongoing media outreach plan and a public outreach campaign to inform the public of the cessation of operations at the Temporary Transbay Terminal and the opening of the new Transit Center. Develop press pipeline for outreach and any media events. Secure editorial and news coverage with local/regional/national/international/cable television, radio, newspapers, magazines, newsletters, internet, digital media, etc. Serve as TJPA spokesperson as directed. Track and keep a record of media coverage, including daily press clipping services.
  • Develop and implement expansion of social media program to increase reach and incorporate new technologies on an ongoing basis throughout the transition period.
  • Provide draft newsletter with articles and appropriate visuals on a quarterly basis throughout the transition period.
  • Implement identified marketing strategies, under direction of TJPA staff.
  • Develop supporting materials (press releases, brochures, presentations, fact sheets, compact discs/DVD’s/tapes, public service announcements, etc.), finding means for translation to other languages as appropriate. Collateral materials should be simply written, cost-effective, easy to print or produce, and appropriate for each audience. Consultant will be responsible for production oversight and quality.
  • Provide ongoing strategy support and ongoing media support, including media- related event support.

Community Outreach Services

  • Inform public of Program/project progress towards completion of Phase 1, proactively reaching out to neighbors, community leaders, and interest groups. Organize and coordinate regular community meetings. Develop quarterly updates for neighborhood newspapers and groups, including production of quarterly newsletter.
  • Develop and maintain community contact database.
  • Serve as a public contact for inquiries about construction and Transit Center operations, coordinating responses with the TJPA, the master lessee, and the construction management oversight consultant.
  • Provide monthly reports on the status of outreach efforts to TJPA and program management team to be used to refine outreach efforts and program level planning.
  • Decipher technical information and communicate to public in laymen’s terms.
  • Participate in discerning and summarizing key public issues and concerns, and develop appropriate outreach plans to address.
  • Participate in keeping the TJPA website and social media platforms fresh in content and style as requested.

Proposal due by Tuesday, February 7, 2017 to:

Transbay Joint Powers Authority
201 Mission Street, Suite 2100
San Francisco, CA 94105

Independent PR firms with a presence in San Francisco include Finn Partners, Zeno Group & Peppercomm.

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