Public Relations News: 2016 PRWeek Hall of Fame, Porter Novelli & Golin

PRWeek Names Six PR Leaders as 2016 Hall of Fame Nominees

PRWeek Names Six PR Leaders as 2016 Hall of Fame Nominees

PRWeek Names Six PR Leaders as 2016 Hall of Fame Nominees

The ceremony honoring the inductees will be held at the New York City Grand Hyatt. The six being honored have built impressive careers in the communications industry and their influence on the leaders from the next generation will be felt for years to come.

Among those being honored is Lisa Caputo, EVP and chief marketing and communications officer at The Travelers Companies. Caputo tells people to “Go in with an open mind, so you don’t miss any opportunities.” Margi Booth, founder and chairman of the M Booth PR firm, gave this advice upon being honored: “Let people do their job until they give you a good reason otherwise.” The third woman among the six Hall of Famers is Patrice Tanaka, co-founder of PadillaCRT, Patrice Tanaka & Co, and CRT/tanaka. Her advice is to “Set an intention for the positive result you want.”

Then there are the three men on the list. Steve Harris, once FP of global communications for General Motors and now a partner at McGinn and Co, says: “No one person has all the good ideas; the best idea should win.” Next is David Drobis, Ketchum’s former CEO and chairman emeritus. “Making a mistake is no big deal; learn from it, move on,” is his advice. The final inductee is John Onoda, a senior consultant with FleishmanHillard and former leader with Visa, Charles Schwab, McDonald’s, GM, and Visa. He says: “It is just as important to learn how to be a leader.

Porter Novelli Genesis Energy Campaign – It’s All About Saying Happy Winter

Genesis Energy, an energy provider, is in the middle of a very successful PR and advertising campaign partially created by the people at Porter Novelli. “Happy Winter” pushes the celebration of all the best things people love about that frosty time of year. Not the least of which is that Genesis Energy is providing significant savings on people’s energy bills.

20 bloggers with decent profiles as influencers received a package of winter goodies including a knitted orange beanie to keep the head and body warm. The campaign encouraged those receiving one of the signature beanies to take a selfie wearing the beanie and post it on their social media account with #genesisenergy and #happywinter as part of the caption. Doing so gave them the chance at winning a Panasonic camera that’s high-tech and state-of-the-art. That part of the campaign got a reach of 461,000 social followers. Not bad for the cost of 20 winter care packages.

Golin Belgrade Launches Through Golin, and Ruskin & Hunt (a Serbian PR Agency) Partnership

Golin Belgrade is up and running thanks to a partnership between a Serbian PR agency, Ruskin & Hunt, and Golin. The executive director for the new agency is Djordje Odavic, who will lead a staff of 30 to begin with as they offer digital, advertising, PR, and content services. The two entities have shared many clients in the area over the eight years Ruskin & Hunt has been in operation – with offices in Bosnia, Herzegovina, Montenegro, Croatia, and, of course, Serbia.

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