Public Relations RFP Issued By Hennepin Theatre Trust



Hennepin Theatre Trust (the Trust) is soliciting proposals from qualified respondents to enter into a contract, in accordance with the requirements contained in this request for proposal (RFP). The selected vendor will assist the Trust in the development of public awareness campaign that supports the reconstruction of Hennepin Avenue from Washington Ave. to 12th Street.

This campaign will support the goals of the project by:

o    Shifting attitudes and perspective of the reconstruction project from disruption and frustration to an anticipation for the revamped Hennepin Avenue

o    Developing strategies and content to reach the diverse population of the area

o    Providing information regarding the benefits of the reconstruction

o    Developing a plan to celebrate the last 100 years of the Hennepin Theatre District (Background: the four historic theatres were built between 1912 and 1921 and organization is planning celebration at conclusion of the construction project)

This RFP will provide funding for:

o    Strategy and concept development for the Hennepin reconstruction campaign

o    Written communications plan for the multi-year construction project that identifies target audiences, key messages and strategies

o    Development of a communications toolkit to share with stakeholders

o    Collateral development including but not limited to digital content for use in social media and websites, printed flyers, fact sheets and brochures

o    Outdoor media campaign including collateral for billboards, signage, posters, and banners

o    Outreach support to stakeholders that includes a social media campaign guide

o    Outline of potential videos to be produced for social media in later stages of campaign


Hennepin Theatre Trust drives cultural and economic vitality in Minnesota through leadership of the dynamic Hennepin Theatre District in downtown Minneapolis and educational programming that reaches every area of the state. Its historic theatres — Orpheum, State and Pantages — and new event center at 900 Hennepin light up Hennepin Avenue with top-tier entertainment, including the best of Broadway and a wide variety of arts programming. Hennepin Theatre Trust is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization.

Scope of Work:

The respondent shall:

o    Designate a director or coordinator to manage the project

o    Submit a comprehensive campaign plan, including strategy, goals and objectives, target audiences, key messages, and overview of tactics

o    Submit a timeline for anticipated project activities, product completion and release dates, scheduled meetings and/or events, and documentation/reports

o    Submit a budget at the start of the project that accurately reflects the cost of each service and product that is part of the project

o    Complete work on schedule, except where approval for extensions have been requested and approved by HTT staff

o    Complete work within budget, except where approval for adjustments have been requested and approved by HTT staff

o    Design a variety of creative materials for print, radio, outdoor, television, internet, outreach, social media and other appropriate platforms. Vendor will be required to produce innovative, effective, out-of-the-box, and culturally appropriate materials for target audiences:

o    Develop and plan dissemination of products and materials as described in description and overview of the project.

o    Communicate regularly with Trust staff about the progress of the project and discuss in advance any changes that may be needed in the schedule or budget as the project progresses.

o    Develop methods to monitor, track and measure the campaign’s success.

o    Comprehensive campaign & communications plan, timeline, and budget covering the entire contract term outlining the work meant to accomplish the activities described or included in the Statement of Work section. These documents shall be due no later than 30 calendar days following the date of contract execution.

o    Products as described in the overview section, to include: a. One social media campaign guide and plan; b. Communications toolkit to be disseminated to area businesses and organizations; c. Up to 20 pieces of outdoor media creative (posters, billboard design, etc); d. Up to 10 pages of content (one-page flyers, brochures, print ads, etc.); e. Concept/plans for up to five one-two minute videos and four teaser videos

o    Progress reports as requested by HTT staff.

o    Final report including an Executive Summary, the expectations outlined in the Statement of Work, data and evaluation of campaign effectiveness, resource and/or product information, and a campaign sustainability and continuation or transition plan. This final document shall be due no later than 90 calendar days following the date of contract execution.

Due Date:

December 2, 2019, 3 p.m. CT


Agencies worth considering include Headline Media and Alison Brod PR.

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