The Chief Procurement Officer for the Town of Barnstable, on behalf of the Barnstable Municipal Airport Commission (BMAC) and the Airport Manager, herewith solicits submission of Proposals from qualified firms experienced in Airport Marketing, Advertising and Public Relations/Media Services for professional On Call Airport Marketing and Advertising Services for the Barnstable Municipal Airport.
The Barnstable Municipal Airport (HYA) serves as a distinct commercial transportation hub for the residents of the Town of Barnstable, Cape Cod, and the Islands of Martha’s Vineyard and Nantucket by meeting the regional demand for air transportation. For some, it provides travel opportunities from Hyannis to major destinations across the country, and yet for others, the airport provides a much needed mode of travel to and from the Islands of Nantucket and Martha’s Vineyard. This includes travel, tourism, and for a large professional labor force that commute to jobs. From Hyannis, travelers are afforded many flight opportunities, to local and national destinations, including Nantucket and Martha’s Vineyard, Boston, New York City and beyond. The airport is the headquarters for two year-round commuter airlines and for one seasonal transient airline.
• Cape Air/Nantucket Airways is headquartered at the airport. Barnstable Municipal Airport is where Cape Air conducts aircraft fleet maintenance, training of pilots and staff, and dispatch for the nearly 40 cities that they serve.
• Rectrix Shuttle is headquartered at Barnstable Municipal Airport running operations similar to that of Cape Air/Nantucket Airways from the airport. Rectrix Shuttle operates daily flights to/from the island of Nantucket and seasonally to/from Worcester Regional Airport.
• JetBlue operates seasonally at Barnstable Municipal Airport offering flights to/from Hyannis and New York (JFK) from June through September.
• The airport is also home to over 50 private aircraft owners; an avionics and aircraft maintenance facility; high-end corporate and charter operators; general aviation facilities operators providing various services to smaller privately owned single and multi-engine aircraft; two freight forwarders; a number of charter flight operators; and various Cape Cod businesses that house their aircraft fleets.
Over the last ten years, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Massachusetts Department of Transportation – Aeronautics Division (MassDOT), and Barnstable Municipal Airport have made significant strategic investments into airport infrastructure, which has helped position the airport for future economic growth while enhancing airfield safety. Specifically, with the new airport terminal building, HYA has been able to attract JetBlue to provide seasonal service from New York to Cape Cod. Additional successes at the airport include non-aeronautical revenue sources to diversify the airport’s revenue stream with the development of a 20-acre solar farm, which addresses sustainability concerns for the airport and the Cape, and the lease of a 28-acre parcel for non-aeronautical development. HYA is also a vital transportation hub for Cape Cod and the region.
Barnstable Municipal Airport, along with Nantucket Memorial Airport, and Provincetown Municipal Airport play an integral role in supporting the tourism industry and overall economic vitality of the Cape and Islands region. HYA is also one of nine commercial service airports in Massachusetts with scheduled airline service. Regardless of that role, Airport operations and economic standing has been on the decline over the past several years. The Airport is now seeing some positive movement with the development of an Airport Business Plan and implementation of various tasks to meet the goals of that plan. However, the following provides a synopsis of the current position of the Airport.
The result is less pilots, fewer flights, less operations and fewer passengers.
Airport activities are financed primarily through jet fuel sales, which account for over 60% of the airport’s revenue, followed by land lease rentals and fees, car concession fees, landing fees, vehicle parking and other user fees collected from airlines and concessionaires. The economic dip, pilot shortages, competition from high-speed ferries, and the late 2015 bankruptcy filing by Island Airlines, Inc. continues to have a significant financial impact on the airport’s operations and the concurrent reduction in enplanements/deplanements has resulted in reduction to the Airport’s operating budget revenues. However, non-aeronautical sources of revenue to diversify the Airport’s income stream with the development of a 20-acre solar farm and the lease of a 28-acre parcel for non-aeronautical development have significantly helped and allowed the Airport to apply such revenues to refocus marketing efforts and increase the use of the airport meet the Airport’s Business Plan Goals as highlighted below.
Q Goal A: Maximize General Aviation Activity at HYA
Q Goal B: Diversify Revenue Streams
Q Goal C: Become a Regional Air Transportation Leader
Q Goal D: Enhance Airport Image & Branding
Scope of Work:
Professional On-Call Airport Marketing, Advertising and Public Relations/Media Services for the Barnstable Municipal Airport. The projects included in this agreement are locally funded projects as assigned. The awarded firm will be responsible for all Airport Marketing, Advertising and Public Relations/Media Services as assigned. A three (3) year contract for these on-call services is being offered. The Airport reserves the right to bid out selected projects and requirements at their option, if desired. The on-call firm awarded this contract will be able to submit a proposal for those services.
The services and advice to be provided by the selected firm may include, but will not be limited to the following:
- Supporting the promotion of the Airport’s Business Plan Goals via various platforms for marketing and advertising services and the expectation is for the successful proposer to utilize a mix of radio, print, billboards, digital, printed material, and other forms as proposed by the proposer to support and promote the Airport and to assist in meeting the Airport’s Business Plan Goals:
Q Goal A: Maximize General Aviation Activity at HYA
Q Goal B: Diversify Revenue Streams
Q Goal C: Become a Regional Air Transportation Leader
Q Goal D: Enhance Airport Image & Branding
This should include development of a marketing plan and strategy to meet the above goals.
2. Graphical and communications support for various Airport development and construction projects implemented to meet Airport Business Plan Goals. This includes the development of campaigns for each project communicating the project’s purpose, need, and schedule. As projects evolve, signage for wayfinding will also be an important part of the program for not only the flying public, but tenants and other airfield users. Special events surrounding projects such as ground breakings, periodic media tours, project milestones, and ribboncutting ceremonies will also be an important component of the support to be provided under the contract. In all instances, the creative will be utilized in a variety of ways including but not limited to printed, email, social media, web application, etc.
3. Marketing and Advertising emphasis should be placed on the Airport’s integral role as an economic catalyst for the Town and Cape Cod region. Graphical and communications support promoting various Airport operations such as the existing airlines, new airlines and/or new markets served, and the availability of concessions and other services such as low cost parking, complimentary Wi-Fi, water bottle filling stations, and etcetera are all important components to incorporate into the messaging. In all instances, the creative will be utilized in a variety of ways including but not limited to printed, email, social media, web application, etc.
4. Marketing and Advertising Services are needed for support and planning in community engagement for special events, sponsorships activities, and trade show materials, including but not limited to retractable signs, fabric wraps, and trade booth design and printing. The Airport plays a leadership role hosting a variety of events to help meet Airport Business Plan Goals. In all instances, the creative will be utilized in a variety of ways including but not limited to printed, email, social media, web application, etc.
5. Proactive approach to public relations, crisis communications and media support responding to various scenarios such as possible airport accidents/incidents, community concerns or other issues as they may arise. This includes monitoring news on a daily basis, identifying issues that may affect the airport and offering solutions.
6. Diagnostic reporting to interpret changes that may be needed in the Marketing and Advertising Services to meet Airport Business Plan Goals.
7. Occasional specialty items will need to be developed of unique marketing items to help promote the Airport and to be presented to airlines, other tenants, local businesses, potential airport users and residents of the Cape and Islands. In a similar manner use of the Barnstable Municipal Airport logo on give-away items such as coffee cups, folios, apparel, hats, etc., will also come under the contract.
8. Preparation of proposals, certifications, applications or other materials for submission to the various media or promotional outlets as may be required;
9. Jet Fuel sale are the Airport’s single most important revenue stream. However, the Airport wishes to diversify revenues as we reinvest in Airport infrastructure and promotion of the facility as an alternative option to the flying public. Under the contract, the successful proposer may be asked to design and bid advertising for various revenue streams.
10. The successful proposer may also provide media buys for the purchase of advertising from a media company such as a television station, newspaper, magazine, blog or website. It also entails the negotiation for price and placement of ads, as well as research into the best new venues for ad placement as appropriate for the various messaging outlets.
The Airport has not attempted to specifically identify each and every component of the applications sought under this RFP.
Due Date:
December 4
Johanna F. Boucher
Chief Procurement Officer
230 South Street, 3rd Floor
Hyannis, MA 02601