PR Perspectives

SeaWorld Can’t Seem to Recover

SeaWorld Fighting Back

Ever since the CNN documentary “BlackFish” was broadcast, the SeaWorld theme parks across the country have faced a growing wave of backlash, criticism, and falling numbers at the turnstiles. It’s worse in Florida than in California, but the company can’t whitewash the damage done by BlackFish. They must hit it head on

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Newgate Communications Nabs Lobbyist from MWWPR

PR News from MWW PR, APCO Shanghai & Bell Pottinger

Newgate Communications Nabs Lobbyist from MWWPR Simon Gentry, a director at MWW PR has joined Newgate Communications as a partner. Newgate is based in the U.K and is owned by Porta Communications. Gentry has been with MWW since 2014, and previously was at Westminster Strategy, a renowned lobbying group in

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Rogers & Cowan everything-pr

Rogers and Cowan – Celebrity PR for More Than 65 Years

Rogers and Cowan is part of the Interpublic Group of Companies (IPG) and is global, with their headquarters in Los Angeles and other offices in New York, Florida, and London. R&C opened their doors in 1950 representing actors and actresses, although up until that time, most performers were represented by

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