The Village of Fruitvale is the “Heart of the Beaver Valley” located along the Highway 3B corridor; a 40 kilometer stretch of six villages, towns and cities. Teck Metals located in Trail, B.C. is the largest employer in the area employing 1500 workers along with Atco Wood Products located on the Village boundary employing 35 workers. Much of the terrain is mountains and forests with rivers, lakes and creeks, creating a great outdoor adventure area and destination for year-round outdoor activities. The combination of regional employment opportunities, economic diversification and outdoor play areas creates a perfect place to live, work and play. The Fruitvale Economic Development Workplan and Re-Branding project will enhance and raise the profile of the region’s appeal to knowledge, tourism and industrial workers already established by opportunities in the City of Trail and Rossland. The attraction of new residents, businesses and investors to Fruitvale will help the region and community achieve greater resilience and economic growth objectives. This year the Village saw seven small business startups and has embarked on an infill housing project in collaboration with BC Housing, the Lower Columbia Affordable Housing Society and Columbia Basin Trust to help resolve housing supply issues negatively affecting regional economic development growth. The project will support both the new businesses and the housing project to ensure success.
Scope of Work:
The project will create an image to identify the Village with the objective to attract and retain businesses, residents, visitors and investors by delivering a unique experience that is consistent with the brand. The project will align with regional economic development initiatives and branding in a cooperative effort to contribute to and advance from regional goals. South Kootenay Region initiatives are rooted in Metal Tech Alley, Leaders in the Circular Economy Movement. Metal Tech Alley is leading the Circular Economy Movement by making environmental protection profitable, and providing a roadmap to support thriving communities, better protected from outside influences. The project will develop an economic development workplan and a new image and awareness for the Village of Fruitvale that is fresh and consistently applied and align the economic development workplan in a consistent manner with Metal Tech Alley regional strategy. The new image will incorporate where the Village originally came from as a railway stop and rooted in the lumber industry and explain our journey to where we are today and where we are heading in the future. Today, Fruitvale is a quaint village community growing a circular economy from the lumber industry. Tomorrow we will be known as a thriving, diversified and resilient community. Our brand will be derived from our story and will include regional and community collaboration.
Direct actions will have three components:
1. Project component one will develop a Strategy/Blue Print/Guiding Principles for economic development. This component will look at the Village’s history, current identity, community goals, assets and gaps between where we are today and where we want to be in the future to develop a play-book for moving forward. This is the point where the community becomes engaged. Meetings will be held with important stakeholders within the community and region including business and industry owners, politicians, community organization members and regional support organizations. Public brainstorming forums and on-line surveys will be held to dig deep into the sole of the community to reach its true spirit. Research into the Village, local area and region will collect data and information to formulate a path forward that complements and contributes to regional initiatives. A close investigation of the Village’s current Official Community Plan will ensure alignment of the Village’s future. The information collected during this component will be compiled into a draft document describing what the Village’s strategy looks like and will be presented back to the community for further thoughts and opinions as it is essential the community owns the strategy. The ultimate deliverable will be a fully executable document which reflects the spirit of the Village of Fruitvale. The document will be produced as the Village of Fruitvale’s strategy and guide for moving forward to creating a new unique identity, developing the community and economy as well as ensuring business sustainability and growth.
2. Brand refinement comes in the second project component by creating a community identity for the Village. The proponent will compile the Village’s future vision into a thesis statement on the Village; re-defining and re-branding the future. After consulting with the Village on the re-imagined vision and new look of the Village, a new Village brand will guide the production of a new logo and redesign of the Village website and marketing materials. This component will compile all the work from component one into a comprehensive vision for the future and standardizes that vision into a single message that defines the Village for its uniqueness. Component two will deliver an appealing, noticeable new look for the Village of Fruitvale. The new look will include a motto and logo which will be used to attract attention to the Village as delivering a unique experience that is consistently aligned with what the brand promises. Standard templates for marketing materials, letterhead, entrance signs and other Village signage will be developed. OPTIONAL: The proponent may include as part of their proposal a marketing and website design expert to develop an attractive, informational website developed on a reliable platform. The platform must be able to interface with existing Village payment software and document publishing software with the ability to be updated easily by Village staff. The newly designed website will showcase the Village through the new identity and will ensure all information about the community is available for public review. An exciting feature will be the ability of the Village to promote local businesses and events. The Village has many dedicated volunteers and event organizers who work diligently and cohesively to bring many events and celebrations to the Village. The newly designed website will ensure the Village has the capacity to showcase and promote the events and recognize all volunteers for their great work while also putting a spotlight on the Village of Fruitvale for its hidden treasures. The Optional component must be quoted separately.
3. Component three mobilizes the recommendations from component one and incorporates the identity created in component two. This component may include a plan for downtown revitalization and facade improvements, experience design and infrastructure improvements, development of a Community Improvement Plan and/ or marketing strategy. This component lays out the future for continuous improvement. It will develop the Village’s plan and objectives and a way forward. It will define where the Village is going and how its going to get there. It focuses the Village toward its objectives. The data and information collected in component one will influence the outcomes of component three; this component will build a comprehensive plan for the Village’s future. The plan will center around developing the Village as a destination that offers a unique experience that is truly the Village of Fruitvale. Component three will develop interdependencies between the Village of Fruitvale, regional economic development and branding initiatives, local businesses and industry, volunteer organizations and event organizers toward common goals and collaboration with the intent to strengthen the futures of the Village and businesses and industry in the area. While the deliverables from this component will not be explicitly defined until component one and two are completed, they will include written plans for moving the Village into the future. The outcomes will be produced as community documents using input from the community gathered in component one which will be incorporated into the lifestyle of the Village. The deliverables will be focused on our natural environment and an attainable plan of continuous improvement that brings together all stakeholders to strengthen and diversify the local economy and ensure sustainability of local business.
Due Date:
Friday, March 5, 2021 4:30 p.m. PST
Village of Fruitvale PO Box 370 1947 Beaver Street Fruitvale, BC V0G 1L0
Relevant agencies to consider include Finn Partners and Prosek Partners.