Rebranding RFP Issued By Fort Bend Subsidence District

fort bend

Enacted by the Texas Legislature in 1989, the Fort Bend Subsidence District regulates groundwater to prevent subsidence, or the sinking of land surface, that contributes to flooding and infrastructure damages. The District has seen subsidence rates decrease where its Regulatory Plan has moved water users from groundwater to alternative sources. However, the issue of subsidence is not well known in the county, and there have been challenges in the general public’s understanding of the issue beyond increased water bills due to alternative water conversions.

In an effort to establish a new look while simultaneously engaging the community, the District initiated a logo contest involving area high school students to replace the official seal, the District’s primary identifier since its inception in 1989. The selection of the contest winner was the first step in the larger process to rebrand the District. The focus of this rebrand project will be to use the winning logo design as the inspiration for the new brand, informed by research and with updated messaging for the District.


The scope of work that will be included in the RFQ for Professional Services related to Rebranding of the District will focus on gathering data to use in developing the brand, development of the logo and brand guidelines and a website refresh to align the District’s website with the new logo. Each of these tasks is described in more detail below.

Task 1: Conduct Data Gathering and Brand Audit

The selected consultant will require additional information to guide the development of the rebranding effort. This task will be focused on gathering and reviewing information that will provide context for updating the District’s brand. This task may include interviews with internal staff, Board members, and key community leaders and other stakeholders.

Task 2: Logo Development and Brand Guidelines

Using the winning logo (Attachment C) as the foundation for the logo design and supplemented with information from Task 1, the selected consultant will provide a recommendation on the key elements that should be included in the District’s overall brand, both in terms of messaging and brand assets. Deliverables from this task will include a complete logo, with fonts and a color scheme, inspired by the original high school design concept as well as a set of comprehensive brand guidelines and corresponding graphic elements. The final logo will be provided in both color and black and white along with designs for marketing collateral, including letterhead, Microsoft templates, and other assets.

Task 3: Website Refresh 

The FBSD website will require a refresh to seamlessly integrate the new logo with existing content and information. Updates to the website may include updating color palette, fonts, and photos. The selected consultant may also provide messaging guidance for website content based on audit conducted in Task 1, but updates to website copy will not be the focus of this task. In addition, we will NOT be making any changes to the website theme at this time.


(1) New logo in both color and black and white, suitable for use across multiple platforms (website, print, social media, clothing); (2) Comprehensive brand guidelines; (3) Marketing collateral designs, including letterhead, Microsoft templates, and other assets; and (4) Updated website 


It is expected that the audit and logo development will take approximately 90 days to complete. It is expected that the website refresh may take an additional 30 – 45 days to complete.

Deadline for questions and inquiries: June 18, 2021 at 5:00 pm CST

Relevant agencies to consider include Hunter PR and magrino PR.

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