Request for Quote #2023-GMS Early LearnHub Project – Grassroots Marketing Services

DUE DATE: Deadline for Receipt of Proposals December 29, 2023 5:00 p.m

1. General Information

The Early Learning Coalition of Osceola County (“the Coalition”), a Florida not‐for‐profit corporation, is soliciting quotes for Grassroots Marketing Services.

To select a vendor, the Coalition will request a quote for services based on the specifications listed in (Attachment A). All quotes received will be evaluated based on experience and qualifications.

The selected vendor will be required to enter into an agreement with the Coalition to guarantee the specifications listed, as well as to ensure adherence to all applicable state and/or federal laws.

2. Inquiries

All questions regarding this RFQ must be forwarded in writing by email to the RFQ email listed below on or before December 18, 2023, by close of business day (4:00PM EST).

3. Scope of Work

The proposer shall, in a proper and satisfactory manner, provide all the goods and services set forth in (Attachment A).


Request for Quote #2023-GMS

Early LearnHub Project – Grassroots Marketing Services

The Early LearnHub Project is seeking a marketing company to provide comprehensive grassroots marketing services, incorporating monthly email newsletters, social media marketing, and community updates. The objective is to keep partners, stakeholders, and the community informed about project developments and, upon opening learning spaces, launch effective marketing campaigns within the host communities. To understand more about this project, watch our information session .

1. Monthly Email Newsletter Services:

• Develop and design visually appealing monthly email newsletters.

• Generate engaging content for newsletters, including project updates, milestones, success stories, and upcoming events.

• Maintain and update an email distribution list comprising partners, stakeholders, and relevant contacts.

• Ensure timely delivery of newsletters and provide detailed analytics on open rates, click-through rates, and subscriber engagement.

2. Social Media Marketing:

• Formulate a social media strategy aligned with project goals and target demographics.

• Generate engaging and shareable content for social media platforms.

• Manage and update social media accounts regularly, ensuring consistency in messaging and branding.

• Implement targeted paid advertising campaigns on platforms such as Facebook and Instagram.

3. Community Updates:

• Develop a strategy for regular community updates, ensuring transparency and engagement.

• Utilize email newsletters, social media, and other relevant channels to disseminate community updates to partners, stakeholders, and community residents.

• Establish a system for gathering feedback from the community and partners, incorporating insights into future communications and strategies.

4. Learning Space Launch Marketing Campaign:

• Formulate a comprehensive marketing strategy for the launch of each learning space, integrating email, social media, print, digital, and community outreach efforts.

• Conduct research on communities hosting learning spaces to tailor marketing efforts to local preferences and needs.

• Create marketing collateral for both digital and physical distribution.

• Formulate press releases and connections to news broadcasts to market the LearnHub Project.

Reporting and Evaluation:

• Provide detailed monthly reports on the performance of email newsletters and social media marketing, including key metrics and insights.

• Provide detailed monthly reports on the performance of all marketing efforts including the distribution of community-based marketing assets.

• Conduct a comprehensive analysis of the learning space launch campaign, evaluating the success of various marketing channels and strategies.


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