Grays Harbor County is requesting proposals from qualified professionals for creative services to assist in the County Tourism Department’s marketing campaign.
Grays Harbor County is located on the coast of Washington State. It is surrounded by Lewis, Pacific, Jefferson, Mason and Thurston Counties. Grays Harbor County is 1,917 square miles, in area, making it the 15th largest county in Washington State. The population of Grays Harbor County is approximately 70,000. Grays Harbor County is fortunate to have a wealth of natural resources and tourism assets that include the beautiful and serene Quinault Rain Forest; over 50 miles of pristine beaches that provide some of the best razor-clam digging in the world, as well as surfing opportunities; the historic fishing community of Westport that supports world-class sport fishing opportunities; rich historical and pop-culture destinations within the cities of Aberdeen, Hoquiam and Montesano; as well as abundant wildlife and outdoor opportunities including: hunting, fishing, camping, hiking, bicycling, paddle sports beachcombing, and off road vehicle opportunities.
Grays Harbor County administers a tourism promotion program within the operations of the Fairgrounds and Tourism Department. The department is made up of 8 employees, including a Director of Fairgrounds and Tourism, Office Manager/Marketing and Public Relations Coordinator, office staff, event staff and facilities staff. The department has many duties including the operation of a comprehensive tourism marketing campaign that focusses on the promotion of the County’s unique tourism draws. The department also includes a Lodging Tax Advisory Committee that provides advisory opinion on tourism related activities. The department is supported solely by 3% hotel/motel tax funding. In recent years the County has been fortunate to experience a significant increase in tourism activities and associated revenue. This is due, in large part, to an aggressive marketing campaign. The Tourism department’s marketing brand has been, “Unforgettable Grays Harbor”, since 2003
Scope of Work:
Section “A” – Television Commercial/Video Creative Services:
1) Work with Grays Harbor Tourism in the development of a long-term, strategic television/video marketing plan that highlights Grays Harbor’s unique tourism assets.
2) As part of the strategic plan, work with Grays Harbor Tourism in the development a “value added program”, in which potential marketing and advertising partners are identified to generate new partnership funds, the ability to leverage funds and resources, as well as bonus media opportunities.
3) Work with Grays Harbor County in the development of approximately seven (7), annual, :30 second television commercials, as well as up to five (5) :05 second potential bonus spots that promote Grays Harbor’s tourism assets. Such products must be created within the vision of Grays Harbor Tourism.
4) Work closely with the other advertising, marketing and business associates of Grays Harbor Tourism, including, but not limited to the Lodging Tax Advisor Committee, Professional Media Strategists, and Television Media Purchase Consultants/Brokers, and videographers. Associated tasks would include, but not be limited to carrying out the trafficking functions of television commercials to selected networks/stations.
5) Assisting with the placement of commercials, video assets and other material on the Department’s websites, social media sites, YouTube and other digital marketing platforms.
Section “B” – Print/Electronic Creative Services:
1) Work with Grays Harbor Tourism in the development of a long-term, strategic print and electronic marketing plan that highlights Grays Harbor’s unique tourism assets.
2) Perform all creative services tasks relating to the development and writing of print and electronic media material. 3) As part of the strategic plan, work with Grays Harbor Tourism in the development of a “value added program”, in which potential marketing and advertising partners are identified to generate new partnership funds; the ability to leverage funds and resources; as well as bonus marketing opportunities. This includes potential work with travel writers.
4) Work with Grays Harbor Tourism in the writing and distribution of up to eighteen (18) News Releases on an annual basis.
5) Work with Grays Harbor Tourism in completing Social Media tasks including: Event Calendar updates; Facebook updates; website/blog updates.
6) Work closely with the other advertising, marketing and business associates of Grays Harbor Tourism, including, but not limited to the County Lodging Tax Advisor Committee, Professional Media Strategists, and Travel Writers.
7) Carry out the distribution of print and electronic marketing material to relevant media outlets, within targeted tourism markets.
8) Work closely with Grays Harbor Tourism and event organizers to gathering information on local tourism assets, events, etc. that will be included in print and electronic marketing material.
9) Work closely with Grays Harbor Tourism in the editing process of all print and electronic marketing material created under the agreed upon scope of work.
1) A description of the project team, including, but not limited to staff, subcontractors, and available resources.
2) Resumes and/or statements of qualifications of key individuals that will work on the project. This should include related work experience and a description of expertise in the relevant creative services field.
3) A detailed strategy as to how Grays Harbor Tourism’s needs, in relation to the products and creative services detailed in this RFP will be met. As well as how Grays Harbor Tourism’s current marketing campaign will be enhanced by the products and services to be provided.
4) References from a minimum of three entities for which you have performed the duties described in this RFP. Reference information must include the name of the company, a contact person, address, phone number, and email.
5) The submittal should include a description of hourly compensation for the work described within this RFP. This description may include other forms of compensation, such as “value added” opportunities such as media kick-backs, bonus media, fund leveraging, etc. that may be obtained through industry associates and partnerships.
Due Date:
December 14
Mike Bruner, Fairgrounds, Tourism and Parks Manager, at (360) 482-2651 ext. 1870, or by email at mbruner@co.graysharbor.wa.us
Strong agencies to consider for this assignment includes Magrino PR and Hunter PR.