Social Media RFP Issued By The Miami Downtown Development Authority

The Miami Downtown Development Authority (DDA) is seeking to engage an agency with experience managing influencers to oversee a three-month social media campaign to promote Downtown Miami’s historic Flagler Street.

The Miami DDA is seeking to engage an influencer agency to oversee a three-month social media campaign to drive foot traffic to the Flagler Street district given the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic coupled with the Flagler Street Beautification project. Flagler Street is the City of Miami’s historic Main Street. Over the years, the Miami DDA has worked with area businesses and property owners to activate the street with creative events while advocating for longer-term improvements – such as the beautification project that will enhance the district’s pedestrian access and inject new life into the corridor. The agency would be required to enlist a minimum of three influencers per quarter who would use their various social media channels, primarily Instagram, to remind the public that the businesses on Flagler Street and the surrounding blocks are still open, and entice their audiences to come out to support, dine and buy local by creating call to actions and engagement through their reach.

Scope of Work:

The Miami DDA seeks to engage Schwartz Media Strategies (SMS) to subcontract an agency with

experience running influencer marketing programs. The goal of the program is to reach various

influencers’ audiences simultaneously to drive foot traffic to the Flagler district, given the impacts

of the COVID-19 pandemic coupled with the Flagler Street Beautification project. The agency

would be required to enlist a minimum of three influencers per quarter. The influencers would

use their various social media channels, primarily Instagram, to remind the public that the

businesses on Flagler Street and the surrounding blocks are still open, and entice their audiences

to come out to support, dine and buy local by creating call to actions and engagement through

their reach.

The role of the agency would be to hire influencers who reach the target audiences identified by

the Miami DDA for the duration outlined below. The agency would also be responsible for

tracking the deliverables in real-time and providing monthly reports that track the deliverables

outlined below.

The agency will be retained by and will report to Schwartz Media Strategies.

• Influencer requirements:

• Have engaged a following in excess of 10,000+ on at least one platform (not


• Must have an open/publicly visible profile page.

• Must have local Downtown Miami online reach + audience.

• Provide Insights/Analytics

• Diverse audience (male/female, ages, ethnicities, etc.)

• Niches: tech, lifestyle, nightlife, entertainment, art, culture, food & beverage,

fashion, family, etc.

• Campaign Goals:

• Drive awareness among the public that Flagler Street and surrounding

businesses are open and accessible during the construction.

• Drive traffic to Flagler Street and surrounding businesses that are impacted by


• Enhance Downtown Miami’s brand as a lifestyle destination, with an emphasis

on Flagler Street and the Central Business District

• Deliverables:

• Each of the influencers to create 4-6 in-feed posts/reels per month for the

duration of one quarter starting October 1, 2021 through December 31, 2021.

Each influencer has creative freedom; we want to ensure posts are authentic.

• Posts must incorporate Flagler businesses, public landmarks within the Flagler

district or historical Flagler content.

• Going live on IGTV must be pre-approved and talent/influencer must provide

script/outline in advance. Talent/influencer is to share every post/reel in their


• Talent/influencer should engage with comments within 24 hours, and if the

influencer is unsure how to answer a question, the influencer will connect with

SMS to help craft an appropriate response

• Submit insights of the month prior to SMS by the first Friday of the next

month to review and provide feedback.

• Must add a Downtown Miami location on all posts.

• Must tag @downtownmia on ALL posts.

• Include hashtag #downtownmiami on ALL posts. Talent/influencer will be

provided additional hashtags in writing based on the call to action.

• Post must remain on Talent/influencer’s profile grid/page for a minimum of

one year.

• Miscellaneous:

• Talent/influencers should not use profanity, explicit language, and/or music

with explicit lyrics in any postings.

• This influencer campaign is part of an annual program, but the agency will be

retained on a quarterly basis. The agreement can be extended on a quarterly

basis up to one year at the discretion of SMS.

• Budget and Payment:

• The DDA has a maximum quarterly budget of $20,000 to cover the full scope

of work, including the influencer management agency fee, influencer fees and

any out-of-pocket expenses incurred by the influencers.

• The agency will send one final bill to the DDA upon completion of the quarter,


o Agency fee

o Copies of each influencer’s invoice (the invoices should be itemized to

include: fee, out of pocket expenses and supporting receipts for outof-pocket expenses)

• The agency will be responsible for managing the quarterly budget, ensuring

total fees and out-of-pocket costs do not exceed $20,000.

Due Date: Please send proposals to


Please send proposals to

Agencies to consider for this assignment include Coyne pr and Alison Brod Partners.

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