Social Network for Kids Skid-e-Kids Grows in the U.S.

zhu zhu


Skid-e-Kids, a social networking platform for children, gains more and more popularity with parents, educators, and, of course, kids, in the US. The network engages its under age community with educational programs, and other initiatives such as movie night, and toys swap. A comprehensive blog page for parents and educators keeps the adults involved.

Parents and educators can play an active role in monitoring children progress with Skid-e-Kids: a special, personalized dashboard for tutors allows parents to instantly track their kid’s activities by a simple click of the mouse. In addition, Skid-e-Kids is working actively with the FTC to make sure they are in full compliance with all the children’s online privacy protection rules.

Skid-e-Kids is a new network community, that launched in early 2011. It’s aimed at children aged 6 to 13, and it successful with their parents as well. The secret is perhaps in the UI and the aesthetics – both mimic Facebook functionality. The parents are already familiar with how Facebook works, and the children will be prepared to make the transition to Facebook when they come at age.

In fact, the whole purpose of designing Skid-e-Kids to resemble Facebook was to enable children to enjoy a social network experience like their parents:

“Our goal is to create a sense of familiarity coupled with ease of navigation so as to deliver to our kids their very own social network experience similar to that of Facebook, but, within a safe kid-focused environment,” – said Mickel Godwin, Skid-e-Kids CEO in an official statement.

A recent press release by the company revealed that Skid-e-Kids grew over 200% worldwide within few months of inception.

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