State of Alaska, Media Buying for DHSS Campaigns


                The Department of Health and Social Services, Division of Public Health is soliciting proposals from preferred media buyer who will perform statewide media services for public awareness     and educational campaigns for a wide variety of public health and social services issues.


                The Alaska Department of Health and Social Services has a mission to promote and protect the health and well-being of Alaskans. It strives to improve the health status of all Alaskans through promoting prevention and healthy life choices, integrating primary care with behavioral health, preventing, detecting and controlling the spread of infectious diseases, improving emergency response and preparedness, child protection, awareness of public assistance programs, and more. The vendors for this contract provide media buying services for the divisions detailed below:

                The department has nine divisions:

·         Alaska Pioneer Homes

·         Behavioral Health

·         Health Care Services

·         Juvenile Justice

·         Office of Children’s Services

·         Public Assistance

·         Public Health

·         Senior and Disabilities Services

·         Finance & Management Services

Scope of Work

                Throughout the year, DHSS accomplishes its mission to promote the health and well-being of Alaskans through the combination of services and a variety of education and outreach campaigns. Target audiences include Alaskans from all walks of life, and all corners of the state, including women and children, people with disabilities, foster parents, the elderly, citizens at risk of various diseases, and more.

                The department will create and produce artwork, PSAs, logos, and other marketing materials in-   house or through another contract for each project. The contractor(s) awarded this RFP will be             required to place these PSAs and materials.

                A majority of outreach campaigns television media reaches rural Alaska, due to the Anchorage and Juneau broadcasting spillover into rural communities. at risk markets will also be reached through the use of ARCS (Alaska Rural Communication System) and GCI Cable, for example.

·         The successful bidders will schedule (place) media to maximize the impact of overlapping urban and rural media markets.

·         The successful bidders are also encouraged to be alert for new rural and urban placement opportunities that arise, which will maximize reach to the target audience.

      Using the DHSS-supplied marketing materials, the successful bidder shall:

·         Negotiate bonus spots with each vendor’s buy. The placement of the campaign shall be through both paid placement and free public service announcements.

·         Place paid/ sponsored social media ads upon request of the department.

·         Negotiate below-book rate on price-per-spot.

      The contractor will be required to provide the following deliverables:

·         Meetings

                                One meeting in person immediately upon award, and additional meetings to establish contract and individual campaign issues as deemed necessary.

·         Media Buy (placement) Plan

                                                Media Placement Calendar: Provide an estimated media placement calendar for each campaign within 21 days of campaign start. This calendar may be changed based on state events or media circumstances prior to finalizing each schedule but will serve as a planning template for the campaign. This calendar may include:

o    Radio and television urban and rural ads, as well as other media used (including, but not limited to, print, mass transit, movie theater placement, and online social media, such as Facebook, Google, Pandora and Web banner advertising).

o    Special event dates if placement is planned around them.

o    A media buy plan summary is defined as: a plan that includes a break-out of placement for the campaign. It will include budget, markets, specific weeks the ads will run, and an estimated reach, frequency, effective reach, gross rating points, and ad spot daily time frame.

o    Accompanying the media buy plan summary will be a brief explanation of the placement strategy, to include how it reaches the target audience.

o    Any changes to the media buy plan schedule shall be approved by the Program Manager in charge of the specific campaign.

·         Post Buy Report: Provide the DHSS Program Manager a media post buy report monthly and/or quarterly.

·         Vendor Tear Sheets: Attached to the post buy report, provide all tear sheets from media vendors reflecting actual run and cost per spot (TV and radio stations).

·         Social media activity reports, analysis, CTR, CPV, estimated reach and other relevant measures: if social media is used during the campaign.

·         Affidavit

Due Date

                January 11th 2019


                KRISTIE ELY 



                (907) 465-8209

Agencies worth considering include Zeno Group and Makovsky PR.

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