Techcrunch Radio Pitch-Off

tech crunch radio pitch

Techcrunch is the award winning, industry leading tech blog, news service and conference organizer. The firm has been providing breaking coverage of Silicon Valley and all things technology for over a decade. It’s conferences are recognized around the world as the gold standard for start-ups.

Now, the firm is engaging in an exciting radio pitch-off to see which start-up can take the crown. Techcruch is looking for exciting young companies with innovative technical products that can improve and elevate the lives of its users. Judges will decide based on the quality of the product, the execution of the presentation and the likelihood that they would invest. Real life venture capitalists, company executives and technologists will vote on the winner.

Over the years, Techcrunch Disrupt attendees have launched many successful businesses. For example, Yammer debuted at Techcrucnh Disrupt in 2010. David Sack’s social enterprise start-up seeks to help companies interact socially, exchange information and be more productive while at work. The firm was bought by Microsoft for $1.2 Billion just two years after its Techcrunch pitch.

Another service is Getaround, which is a car rental sharing mobile application. Since launch at Techcrunch, the firm has acquired millions of users and is valued in the hundreds of millions. It fits perfectly into the increasingly hot sharing economy.

While winners and participants alike have failed as well, Techcruch Disrupt has proven to be an ideal launching pad for young businesses. In addition to providing the validation of winning the contest, the conference provides a platform to increase interest among potential investors, users, employees and business partners. The increased exposure helps raise the profile of the fledgling firm and helps

In addition, as a Techcrunch pitch winner, a new company can have no fear in reaching out to new investors and community members. With this validation, calls are returned and partnerships are created.

Techcrucnh was founded by Stanford graduate Michael Arrington shortly after the initial internet bubble collapse. Arrington’s blog brought breaking news of new company investments as well as the wheeling and dealing of major technology companies. As the site grew, it was eventually sold to AOL.

Now it has an increased presence not only in Silicon Valley but all over the world. The radio pitch-off is a great way to use Techcrunch’s resources to promote your start-up and gain a valuable edge. Don’t wait, make your entry into this radio pitch-off today.

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