United Nations Capital Development Fund Issues Digital Media RFP

Bureau of External Relations and Advocacy Seeks Digital Marketing

United Nations Capital Development Fund Issues Digital Media RFP

The United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) is the UN’s capital investment agency for the world’s 48 Least Developed Countries (LDCs) – their Bangkok office is seeking a digital media agency.  UNCDF uses its capital mandate to help LDCs pursue inclusive growth. UNCDF uses ‘smart’ Official Development Assistance (ODA) to unlock and leverage public and private domestic resources; it promotes financial inclusion, including through digital finance, as a key enabler of poverty reduction and inclusive growth; and it demonstrates how localizing finance outside the capital cities can accelerate growth in local economies, promote sustainable and climate resilient infrastructure development, and empower local communities.

Scope of Work and Tasks Required:

  1. Graphic Design Services:
    The firm in conformity with UNCDF branding guidelines, will provide design, layout and production of various publication products as follows:

    • Design, layout and production of knowledge products including brochures, factsheets, high level policy reports and magazines
    • Synthesize text and produce infographics.
    • Provide designs in both a web version and printable file version
    • Provide editorial on content (language in UN style of writing)
  2. Web Content Development Services:
    The firm in collaboration with the communications team shall work on identifying, adapting and extending emergent technologies to improve design, functionality, impact, usability, engagement and interactivity of UNCDF’s communications products. Tasks will include conceptualization, design, development, implementation, research and interactive creative services including graphical integration, content migration and quality assurance for UNCDF websites.
    The firm will design from the existing website a knowledge platform that provides in a user-friendly manner access to information on financial inclusion in Asia. Existing and new platforms will follow UNCDF standards and shall include:

    • Information related to UNCDF programmes including resources, past/upcoming events, partnerships, news updates and employment opportunitie
    • A knowledge section giving access to a series of information products different series of publications, videos, proposing a page aggregating news on electronic payments and highlighting events (face to face and webinars) and that can be easily searchable.

Proposal due by January 17th, 2017

UN Capital Development Fund (UNCDF)
Two UN Plaza
New York, NY 10017
United States of America
Tel: +1-212-906-6565

Leading government PR firms include APCO Worldwide, Edelman PR & Burson-Marsteller.

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