Virginia Agency Issues RFP


The Department of Historic Resources (DHR) is a mid-sized agency that is responsible for the identification, evaluation and protection of historic resources throughout the Commonwealth. DHR has various divisions which include Administrative Services, Easements, Review and Compliance, Tax Credit, etc. The agency currently employees 42 full time associates and 16 wage associates. We have two remote offices located in Stephens City, Virginia and Salem, Virginia. Our headquarters is located in the Museum District in Richmond, Virginia.

DHR is seeking a contractor that will provide the services needed for the five (5) areas of focus listed below.

A. Message Development The Contractor shall work with DHR leadership staff to craft messaging that clearly tells who we are and what we do and why we do it. Key stakeholder groups will be identified by DHR staff. Contractor shall work with staff to develop precise messaging tailored to each group. Messaging shall be crafted to be used in various channels of social media and digital publications. Contractor shall ensure diversity in messaging.

B. Outreach Strategy The Contractor shall develop comprehensive outreach strategies to reach each identified stakeholder group. The strategies shall clearly and concisely communicate the messages developed, expand the agency’s audience within each particular stakeholder group, and provide the necessary information in order to best inform and/or educate on a relevant stakeholder topic/issue. The Contractor shall determine the best approach and medium in order to most effectively, efficiently, and consistently reach each of the identified key stakeholder groups.

C. Website Analysis The Contractor shall work with the DHR Public Information Officer (PIO) and Webmaster to conduct an analysis and review of its current website. Contractor shall provide concrete recommendations that will add strength to the agency’s online presence, better educate and inform about our programs and services, and more clearly highlight and reflect our culture and values. Ease of navigation and use are also major goals.

D. Social Media Strategy The Contractor shall develop a social media strategy that focuses on messaging to current and prospective members of identified stakeholders groups. DHR currently uses Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter with Facebook being the most active and followed. Goals are to promote awareness of DHR as the historic preservation agency in the Commonwealth, to educate about our mission, programs, workshops, and roadshows, to gain new advocates/followers, and to increase engagement across platforms. Challenges currently faced by staff are: lack of knowledge base regarding social media platforms and their functionality, lack of staff and staff time to manage social media or a complex campaign, lack of assistance in gathering and developing content, lack of a coordinated effort in managing different platforms.

E. Roadmap The Contractor, with direction and approval from and in coordination with DHR leadership staff, shall provide staff with a comprehensive and detailed roadmap that clearly coordinates the public relations strategies developed. Specifically, the roadmap shall outline and formalize the messaging and strategies identified to best reach key stakeholder groups and when and who should use them. The roadmap should also include a template calendar for social media posts in order to implement the strategies developed for each platform. The overall goal of the completed roadmap is to allow the current, limited DHR staff to efficiently implement all public relations strategies developed by the Contractor.

Proposals are due by July 29 to Madrika Martin, Procurement Officer, via email to

Agencies to consider for this assignment include AMP3 and Magrino PR.

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