Washington Traffic Safety Commission Issues Public Relations & Communications RFP

Washington Traffic Safety Commission Issues Public Relations & Communications RFP

Washington Traffic Safety Commission Issues Public Relations & Communications RFP

The Washington Traffic Safety Commission (WTSC) has issued a communications RFP for agencies interested in providing communications services in support of the WTSC’s efforts to fulfill its mission to eliminate traffic deaths and serious injuries.

Washington’s Traffic Safety Commission leads statewide efforts and builds partnerships to save lives and prevent injuries on our roadways for the health, safety, and benefit of our communities.  WTSC is recognized as a national leader in traffic safety and has developed a reputation for creating and implementing leading-edge strategies. The  work is guided by Washington’s Strategic Highway Safety Plan, called Target Zero. The Target Zero Plan establishes the bold vision of eliminating traffic deaths and serious injuries by 2030. Washington is well on its way to realizing this worthy goal. Effective traffic safety coordination at the local level is vital to these efforts.


The primary objective of the communications work is to improve driver behaviors through effective messaging to targeted demographic segments and the public as a whole.

These campaigns currently include the April distracted driving emphasis, the May seat belt emphasis, the August and September impaired driving emphasis, and the November and December impaired driving emphasis. (Campaigns and timelines are subject to change.) In support of the communications work, there is a need for agencies capable of providing service within the following categories:

  • Purchased and Social Media Planning and Placement
  • Graphic Design
  • News Media Outreach and Public Relations
  • Creative Asset Production

For News Media Outreach and Public Relations

  1. Implement concepts, including but not limited to, writing, localizing, distributing and following up with the media on news releases to encourage coverage in Washington State.
  1. Train, coach and mentor TZMs on news media relations at the direction of the AGENCY.
  1. Encourage TV and radio stations to air Public Service Announcements within limits set by the AGENCY.
  1. Arrange press events for statewide initiatives.

For Graphic Design

  1. Provide graphic design and layout services for communications projects identified by the AGENCY with output for, but not limited to, print (e.g., posters, brochures, roadside billboards, gas pump toppers, vehicle wraps), Web and broadcast television (e.g., TV tickers).
  1. Implement updates and revisions to draft files as requested and provide revised files as required for review by the AGENCY.
  1. Ensure output is in the format(s), and meets specifications, required by third parties (e.g., professional printers, television stations, Web sites) and/or the AGENCY.
  1. Advise the AGENCY on effective design for communicating the AGENCY’S messages and for measuring the effectiveness of the messages.
  1. Identify and supply appropriate royalty-free photography and illustration files as components of design and layout product. If the photography and/or illustrations are for use only by the AGENCY and no other clients of the CONTRACTOR, the AGENCY will consider purchasing royalty-free photography and illustrations. The CONTRACTOR must obtain prior approval from the AGENCY before making a purchase and must guarantee the photography and/or illustrations will be used only for the AGENCY and no other clients.
  1. For printed materials, represent the AGENCY at press checks.
  1. Upon request, provide multiple design options for the AGENCY.
  1. Function as the liaison with printers, television stations, web sites and other service providers on behalf of the AGENCY.
  1. Upon request, obtain three bids for AGENCY selection and approval for services such as print and ship or print and mount.
  1. Provide copywriting services.

For Creative Asset Production

  1. Produce public service announcements for use in media including, but not limited to: television, radio, digital, and print.
  1. Produce materials containing closed captioning and/or subtitles in English and Spanish.
  1. Film events.
  1. Using the AGENCY’S release form, obtain signatures from talent volunteers and deliver signed forms to the AGENCY.
  1. Advise the AGENCY of legal obligations and fulfillment of those obligations pertaining to audio and video production.
  1. Identify and supply appropriate royalty-free photography and illustration files as components of production. If the photography and/or illustrations are for use only by the AGENCY and no other clients of the CONTRACTOR, the AGENCY will consider purchasing royalty-free photography and illustrations. The CONTRACTOR must obtain prior approval from the AGENCY before making a purchase and must guarantee the photography and/or illustrations will be used only for the AGENCY and no other clients.
  1. Provide closed captioning and/or subtitle services in English and Spanish.

For Purchased and Social Media Planning and Placement

  1. Research the media markets where ads are being placed throughout Washington and recommend the most effective media format(s), programming, and specific media outlet(s) for reaching target audiences in each market.
  1. Develop media buy plans that reach the largest number of the target audience. Plans should detail the buy.
  1. As a government AGENCY, we expect to receive a dollar-to-dollar match in bonus ads for paid radio and television ads. With stations in challenging markets such as network television in Seattle, the AGENCY will consider the use of other formats for the matching element. Require in any air purchase agreement that bonus ads run during specified campaign dates.
  1. Ensure any air purchase agreement states all ads will be tracked by the media.
  1. Obtain AGENCY approval on a purchase schedule prior to executing any media purchase.

Proposal due by November 9 2016

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