Weber Shandwick: Say What You Mean Damnit!

Weber Shandwick Office

Weber Shandwick Office

January 15, 2009

This PR blunder comes from a PR agency in Leeds, Yorkshire, England. According to the Yorkshire Post, Weber Shandwick, a local PR firm, was hired by a paint manufacturer Tor Coatings to be their PR.

Evidently the paint company did not need a PR firm that could write a press release, let alone provide a title for it, as the released title appeared like this:

“PR Agency gains new paint contract”

Evidently, Paul Bowers, director of this Weber Shandwick office, was so pleased he went on to toot the company’s horn further by speaking of landing other key clients in property, professional services, manufacturing and retail. No doubt these headlines read something like this:

  • PR Firm gains property deal in Yorkshire
  • Weber Shandwick Signs Professional Services
  • Manufacturing PR – Weber Shandwick Says; “We Can”
  • Retail Giant Turns Into PR Firm

Weber Shandwick Logo


Mistakes Happen – So Does Stupidity

Everyone makes mistakes, but the title of one’s own story should not make the reader decide if the company paints, makes paint or represents a paint company. Say what the hell you mean is our motto Shandwick Weber. Congratulations! You just won the Goof of the Day Award – International.

I know your bosses at Weber Shandwick will love the added visibility awards like this bring, but in case you did not write this release, I would make damn sure no one associated mine or my company’s name with it.

So everyone knows, Weber Shandwick is one of the most respected and largest PR firms in the world.

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