Website RFP Issued By Tahoe Resource Conservation District

Tahoe RCD is committed to maintaining a website that is designed for the ease of use from the viewpoint of the public we serve. Tahoe RCD website is This site was created on the WordPress content management system in 2014 and has had minimal service interruptions. Content has been managed and created by in house staff since that time.

The new website must include a framework for ADA compliance, including mobile friendly/responsive design, and search engine optimization. Consultant will work with staff to: develop wireframe, redevelop/redesign page layouts for accessibility, populate new website with provided content, beta test, successfully launch website, and train staff on new website CMS. The consultant will appoint a team manager who will work with Tahoe RCD staff to develop a maintenance and support strategy for after the website is completed. The selected consultant shall provide a dedicated team manager who will be familiar with Tahoe RCD’s website and the needs of our special district with local government compliance such as SB 272 and SB 929.  The consultant will not be responsible for hosting, domain name, or security certificate (SSL).


Tahoe Resource Conservation District (Tahoe RCD) is soliciting proposals to redesign its current website for style, function, and compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Section 508 and Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). The selected consultant will work under the direction of the Executive Director or their designee. 

Tahoe RCD is one of nearly 3000 Conservation Districts across the country helping people protect land, water, forests, wildlife, and related natural resources. The California State Legislature formed Tahoe RCD in 1974 under Division 9 of the California Public Resources Code. Tahoe RCD is a nonregulatory, grant-funded, local agency that works in the Lake Tahoe Basin.

Tahoe RCD, along with its many partners, obtains grant funding and private donations to support all aspects of conservation issues which include, but are not limited to: water quality, wildlife habitat, fire defensible space, sustainable recreation, water conservation and community enhancement. Current programs at Tahoe RCD focus on stormwater management, aquatic invasive species control and prevention, land management, forestry, fire preparedness, restoration and conservation landscaping initiatives. 

Scope of Work:

The following provides details of the scope of services required under this contract. Respondents to this RFP should build on this general description by proposing a scope of work with specific subtasks as deemed appropriate. Respondents should also refer to the Proposal Content, and Notification and Selection Process sections for additional requirements. 

Additional tasks and work elements may be added or deleted during contract negotiations. Included in the final negotiated contract will be the final work plan, schedule and budget. If additional tasks are identified, the contract may be amended in the future.  

Consultant shall provide a proposal to update and redesign website for ADA compliance. ADA compliance re-design must meet Section 508 of the Federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended; Title II of the Federal American with Disabilities Act of 1990; California Government Code Section 11135; and Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 AA. 

Task 1: Redevelop and Redesign Tahoe RCD website  The primary goal of this project is to replace Tahoe RCDs current website with a new and improved version. With this redesign, Tahoe RCD aims to accomplish the following: 1.1: Update the CMS of the website so that it is intuitive and includes comprehensive auditing features 1.2: Improve the user experience so that it is easy for stakeholders to find information 1.3: Redesign the website to support Tahoe RCDs branding efforts and Style Guide (see Appendix A) 1.4: Ensure website is ADA compliant 1.5: Ensure website meets minimum site and service requirements (see Appendix B) 1.6: Ensure website can integrate with third-party requirements (see Appendix C) Deliverable(s): Draft and final website design

Task 2: Content Migration, Site Security, and Back-up 2.1: Migrate existing content from current website to the newly created site. 2.2: Develop security, backup, version control, restore points and/or disaster recover processes and procedures Deliverable(s): Plan for migrating content and security

Task 3: Project Management and Training 3.1: Coordinate communication and meetings with Tahoe RCD  3.2: Coordinate project schedule, content review, and deadlines 3.3: Train Tahoe RCD staff on redesigned website CMS 3.4: Provide Tahoe RCD with long term strategy for maintenance and support Deliverable(s): Final project schedule, training materials, invoicing, communication and procedures to perform updates/maintenance

Optional Add On: Tahoe RCD may be interested in entering into a three (3) year maintenance agreement for all updates needed to keep the website working properly and incorporating any changes in technology. Please include in your proposal the cost for a three (3) year maintenance agreement and outline the services which would be included

Proposals shall include, at a minimum, the following content:

1. Scope of Work: Describe the proposed project approach, specifically describing subtasks necessary to complete each of the primary tasks identified in the RFP. Include important strategic considerations, potential decision points and alternatives, and explain the advantages and of the proposed approach. If proposing changes to tasks outlined in the RFP, include an explanation of why they should be considered. 

2. Qualifications: State project team qualifications, including those of any named subcontractors. Describe relevant projects and clients and the experience and professional certifications/credentials of key personnel. Explain previous experience with creating fully ADA compliant websites and working with special districts or public agencies. 

3. Project Management: Describe your management structure and the approach you would use to manage the master services agreement contract and associated work orders with a team manager and associated team. Describe who in management and on the project team will have direct interaction with the client’s staff during each phase of the Project.

4. Readiness and Ability: Describe your readiness and ability to complete the outlined tasks on a timely basis. 

5. Schedule and Cost: Provide cost as a not to exceed fee estimate, broken down by task, for completing all work as described in the proposal “Project Tasks and Deliverables”, including materials and outside services. Include a schedule of billing rates for key management, technical personnel, subcontractors, and support staff and a cost schedule for any anticipated direct expenses. If applicable, please provide separate staff billing rates for travel. The total value of the project is not to exc eed $10,000 and completion date is January 2021 . 

6. References: Provide the names and contact information of at least three individuals or organizations that can provide feedback on past project performance. 

7. Proof of Insurance: Submit proof of insurance and W-9 (see Liability Insurance below). 

8. Proposal Format and Submittal: Proposals should be clear, concise, and brief (maximum of 10 pages), not including resumes, insurance declarations, schedule and cost, and references.

Due Date:

June 15 2020


Nicole Cartwright | Tahoe RCD | |  870 Emerald Bay Road, Suite 108, South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 

Agencies worth considering for this assignment include Blaze PR and Hunter PR.

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