EdVestors works to advance equitable learning opportunities for every Boston student. We are looking to update our website to reflect new messaging and focus as we complete a new strategic plan; refresh look and feel, improve user experience, particularly navigability and access to information. Content management tools must be intuitive for staff administrators via WordPress or similar CMS.
EdVestors’ mission is to increase the number of public schools in Boston delivering dramatically improved educational outcomes for all students. Our goal is to ensure that every Boston student has access to an equitable, meaningful education that prepares them to activate their power and shape their future. Our current work revolves around arts education, middle grades math, and career pathways. We combine mobilizing resources, thought partnership, and implementation support to help schools improve.
Scope of Work:
Our core objectives for the website are to: increase engagement by providing users an accessible layout to seek resources and information they need; drive new users to our site and work through better SEO; and synchronize the website with our other platforms. Our users are grant seekers, donors and funders, educators, and those in the broader education community. We seek to engage a website design firm over the next 2-4 months for the following:
• Backend development: assess and update as needed
• Frontend development: refresh look and feel of website to be more contemporary and engaging for users
• Updating/refreshing Graphic Design to streamline visual identity across website to be in line with EdVestors’ new Strategic Plan
• Improve website SEO to bring new audiences in Desired Functionality
• Connect data from website to various platforms (Salesforce, MailChimp, Click & Pledge, Google Analytics, Twitter)
• Members-only portal enabling access to sensitive information for Board of Directors and similar groups
• Capability to upload and embed media and files throughout the site
• Website Accessibility
To Respond Please submit a proposal that outlines:
• The approach to this work that you would take and a timeline for completing each identified task.
• The experiences and expertise that prepare you to take on work including work with non-profit organizations and similar projects with education groups.
Due Date:
January 28
Agencies to consider include Zeno Group and Ruder Finn.