African Economic Research Consortium (AERC) Issues Advertising/PR RFP

African Economic Research Consortium (AERC) Issues Advertising/PR RFP

AERC recently updated its branding guidelines in June 2018 with the launch of the redesigned website and subsite The re-branding embodies the unique and leading position of the AERC across the continent. AERC would now like to embody the new branding within all internal and external materials, online and offline. The organization would also like to create a new suite of materials in celebration of its 30th Anniversary later this year for use leading up to our Biannual Research Workshop in Nairobi from 2‐6 December 2018.


The African Economic Research Consortium (AERC) is a premier capacity building institution devoted to the advancement of research and training to inform economic policies in Sub‐Saharan Africa. AERC, which marks 30 years in 2018, was formed to address a glaring gap in economic policy analysis and research, coupled with a need to strengthen postgraduate training in economics, in sub‐ Saharan Africa. The mission of AERC is to strengthen local capacity for conducting independent rigorous inquiry into the problems facing the management of economies in sub‐Saharan Africa and her key objectives are to:

(i) Enhance the capacity of locally based researchers to conduct policy‐relevant economic inquiry;

(ii) Promote the retention of such capacity in Africa; and

(iii) Encourage its application in the policy context.

AERC is a remarkable African success story. Its accomplishments and value proposition are detailed in the AERC strategic plan 2015‐2020. The strategy is intended to move AERC to the next level of excellence by consolidating what has been achieved and embarking on new opportunities and initiatives while building increased visibility for the organization on the continent and globally.

Scope of Work:

The AERC is seeking design of the following materials using our new brand guidelines:

  • Emarketing templates within existing email marketing software, including three enewsletter styles (staff, external, Executive Director, alumni), email blast and media advisory.
  • MsOffice branded document and presentation templates (Word and PowerPoint), memos, reports, letters for Word, three different presentation designs for PowerPoint with high resolution imagery.
  • Standard organization email signature.

30th Anniversary Branding:

  • Updating of AERC’s history book, Twenty Years of Capacity Building in Sub‐Saharan Africa, to reflect and include the past ten years of AERC’s impact of economic research and policy making across the continent with a video companion series for release on social media and use at AERC and partner events.
  • Creation of multiple format success stories for online and offline use, focusing on how AERC’s research and training as resulted in local, national and regional policy impact.
  • Development of promotional materials, including but not limited to t‐shirts, bags, caps, mugs, pens, logo lapel buttons.
  • Design of 30th Anniversary logo.

Due Date:

August 24th


Executive Director

African Economic Research Consortium

3rd Floor, Mebank Towers, Jakaya Kikwete Road

P.O Box 62882 – 00200, Nairobi, Kenya

Zeno Group and Edelman PR are good agencies for this assignment.

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