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Magnum Opus
PR News

Meredith Walks Away with 11 Magnum Opus

Meredith Xcelerated Marketing (MXM), a Meredith Corporation global, digital and customer relationship marketing agency, announced last week their having won a total 11 Magnum Opus Awards. The recent awards, for their work on behalf of clients; Kraft, Volkswagen, State Farm, Wells Fargo and Publix, came at the 9th Annual Magnum Opus Awards ceremonies.

Hootsuite maintenance
PR News

HootSuite Supports More Social Apps than Ever

HootSuite announced the addition of Instagram, SlideShare and other popular social apps to its platform. The company will partner with HubSpot on July 12/2012, to host the world’s largest webinar on the likely topic of inbound marketing and social media.

PR News

Everything PR Exclusive: UCAM’s Dr. José Luis Mendoza

La Universidad Católica San Antonio, otherwise known as simply UCAM, is one of Europe’s most prestigious universities. Everything PR News recently had the distinct pleasure of talking with the school’s head of international communications, Dr. José Luis Mendoza. In a candid interview, the son of now famous UCAM founder José Luis Mendoza Pérez, talks about UCAM’s recent outreach, responsibility, and his an interesting ideal with regard to the current economic crisis.

Is Barclays PR smoke and mirrors?
PR News

Barclays: Will They Use PR Smoke & Mirrors Now?

BBC’s Nick Robinson calls it a “A Whitehall whodunit”, and the rest of the world is split between wanting to string up bank executives and wondering if a crime existed at all where Barclays’ worst ever PR nightmare unfolds. News today speaks of the bank’s brand, and Omnicom-owned PR consultancy Portland – the mouthpieces supposedly selected to iron out the banks path going forward. If BP oil and other Brit nightmares shed any guiding light here, somebody had better go full transparent.

NikonLive Cool Shot entry - 126 votes counting mine - follow link to vote
PR News

Nikon: Companies Doing Cool Stuff With Marketing

Nikon is a name synonymous with excellence in photography. As a brand, anyone in the industry would be hard pressed to name a more resilient and lasting name to associate with imagery. That said, being top dog is also about rolling out more and more cool stuff. Nikon USA’s coolest big sponsoring event (so far) being SXSW, down there in Austin, Texas in March. Check it.

Jeff Turner speaks.
PR News

Big PR Pluses – Being a Social Media Realtor

Here we are, 2012 already. It seems like just a moment ago Tim O’Reilly coined the term Web 2.0, a Google here, a YouTube there, here a MySpace, there a Facebook, and the world has gone full social. That is, a great many traditional, even antiquated businesses have now engaged via the social web. One industry however, the real estate niche, is somehow unable to follow the trend? Everything PR News suggests some examples for a hurting real estate industry throng to follow.

Extreme Reach
PR News

Extreme Reach Lends Ad Companies Big Helping Hand

In news from the Ad space, Extreme Reach, Inc. announced earlier this week, launched an integrated tool suite for managing talent contracts and third-party rights. Available from within their leading video ad distribution platform for TV and Web ad distribution, the suite promises to streamline ad client workflow.

Wal-Mart spies
Crisis PR

Mercury Public Affairs: Wal-Mart & the Appearance of Evil

For those of you who did not read Time’s piece on Wal-Mart’s latest PR goof, infiltrating union meetings Mata Hari style is just not cool. With allegations of bribing Mexican officials in the breeze, apparently Sam Walton’s dream may just be turning into a public nightmare. Is this a “worst case” for the corporate megalith, will America see the story as one of the little guys versus Wal-Mart and their high paid mouthpieces? You decide.

Skype 4.0 for Linux
PR News

#Skype for Linux, Mac, and Developers

Being as you all out there on Google are hogging up #Skype news, Everything PR News will offer this brunch of Skype news for your leisure. Skype 4.0 for Linux to 5.8 for Mac, there’s a lot brewing at our favorite free phone service.

Hootsuite maintenance
PR News

HootSuite Server Overload and the Bad PR Day

When you are dependent on a tool, doesn’t your world get hectic without it? HootSuite is a fabulous little helper, one even more appreciated when scheduled maintenance (or any other kind) takes it down, along with the delusion of your power. Why oh why?