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Pink Breast Cancer Marketing
PR News

When Breast Cancer Pink is a Scam

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and there’s pink everywhere, but is it really worth the purchase? It turns out that some companies don’t really support breast cancer at all, they’re just out to make a quick buck.

Rohatynski everything-pr
Agency of Record

Rohatynski-Harlow Chosen as PR Agency of Record

Rohatynski-Harlow has just been hired by SRG Global, a chrome plated auto parts manufacturer. The firm will be handling public relations and providing strategic counsel for their newest client.

astro boy1
PR News

Astro Boy To Spearhead Japan’s FIFA World Cup Bid

In a brilliant PR move Japan brands their World Cup bid with a super here which, by the time 2018 comes around, could be engrained into the hearts and minds of kids everywhere. Astro Boy, the movie, just premiered to rave reviews from all who saw it. For Australia, England, the U.S. and other bidders, the bar has been raised pretty high.

edina alexandra

Fake Beauty, PR Boost for Plastic Surgery – Miss Plastic Hungary

István Venyige, organizer of the first “unnatural” beauty pageant, exclusively opened to women who had plastic surgery. The event brought Venyige international recognition and it was also a huge PR boost for the winners Réka Urbán, Edina Kulcsar and Alexandra Horvath.

PR News

PR Goof: KH Advertising Announces Panasonic Partnership Months After the Fact

KH Advertising has strengths, obviously, but PR is not one of them – at least not online PR. New media requires new skills. Having a flashy website and some website designs in the portfolio doesn’t automatically convert you into an online PR expert. KH should advise its customers to seek help elsewhere for online PR campaigns. A revision of KH’s own online presence (vis-à-vis information published via own press releases) is mandatory.

Sexy Breast Cancer Awareness everything-pr
PR News

Breast Cancer Awareness: Why Isn’t PR Aimed at Young Women?

Breast cancer awareness campaigns tend to focus on women over 40, but this misses a huge group of women who are diagnosed at a much younger age. Hit during the prime of their fertile years, many are already mothers and have to struggle with a whole different set of worries from those cancer patients already past menopause.