Buffer’s new features offer free enhanced real time analytics for Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn posts. Buffer hence extends its current platform, used to schedule tweets to make analytics actionable, understandable and accurate.
The new features allow users to examine their performance on social media outlets tracking now include:
- For Twitter posts: number of clicks, retweets, mentions, favorites and reach.
- For Facebook posts: number of clicks, likes, comments, shares and reach.
- For LinkedIn posts: number of clicks, likes, comments and shares.
Buffer’s Twitter analytics show all clicks, retweets, mentions, reach and favorites. Whereas before there was a delay, analytics now update in real-time; whenever users click the “Analytics” tab, they receive an up to date view of Tweet analytics providing a clear snapshot of how much interaction each of your update has received.
Clicking on any updates yields an immediate overview of who the people are that interact with your Twitter profile the most. For easy and enhanced sociability, Buffer has included convenient buttons that allow users to thank, follow or continue the conversation with followers from the same interface.
Facebook analytics are the most recent Buffer offering. Now every update will always be remembered in a user’s Buffer history with exact number of likes, shares, comments, clicks and reach. Users will see precisely in which order the likes, comments or shares occurred.
Having researched the analytics space, the Buffer team concludes, “Interestingly, there exists nearly no other app, that gives you analytics around your LinkedIn postings.” Users can view all metrics in near-real time displayed inside the Buffer analytics tab. Clicking on a person’s avatar that has recently interacted redirects to that person’s user page.
The platform allows review of past updates so users can measure their social media engagement over time. All data will always be available in the analytics tab and up to date.