Colorado Tourism Office Issues RFP For Advertising Agency


The purpose of the RFP is to seek and retain a qualified advertising agency of record (AOR) to assist the CTO in promoting Colorado to U.S. travelers as a premier travel destination. The agency will have primary responsibility for increasing awareness of Colorado among high-value travelers and inspiring them to travel throughout Colorado. To this end, the AOR is charged with developing a highly integrated, research-based campaign strategy supporting breakout creative messaging that clearly differentiates Colorado in the competitive domestic marketplace; identification of desired audience segments; and creation of media and channel strategies that are effective, efficient, take full advantage of the ever-changing media landscape and ensure that Colorado’s message stands out from its competitive set. Additionally, the AOR is responsible for working closely and collaboratively with the CTO and other CTO contractors to ensure full integration and maximization of campaign initiatives across all CTO channels.


The Colorado Tourism Office (CTO) is a legislatively created office within the Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade (OEDIT), which resides in the Governor’s Office. The CTO is governed by the Colorado Tourism Board, which includes 11 members appointed by the governor and four legislative members. Nine of those appointed by the governor represent specific tourism industry sectors, while two hold at large seats. By statute and policy, the Board has responsibility for overall strategy, fiscal oversight and tourism advocacy.

The Board meets a minimum of six times per year. The CTO also has four committees chaired by board members and including representation from the tourism industry. The committees are Tourism Marketing; International Promotion; Destination Development; and Leadership.

The Director of the CTO, reporting to the Executive Director of OEDIT, is responsible for oversight and management of the CTO’s activities. The CTO Director and CTO staff manage the Colorado Tourism Office, including guiding and monitoring the activities of all Contractors working on behalf of the Colorado Tourism Office. The Contractor(s) selected from this RFP will work under the direction of the CTO Director and assigned CTO staff members and will be expected to work closely and collaboratively with other CTO contractors to create integrated and successful marketing campaigns and initiatives.

All Contractors are required to provide CTO with regular reporting of their activities and outcomes in accordance with office and board policies and contract provisions. Contractors are required to submit written reports monthly for distribution to the Board and committee members. Contractors provide support to the CTO and are expected to attend board and committee meetings.

The CTO is initiating this RFP with the intent to provide an opportunity for qualified organizations to compete for the opportunity to develop and field initiatives that position the CTO competitively to attract a national audience of high-value travelers who will generate traveler spending throughout Colorado.

The goals of the CTO are centered on increasing the overall economic impact of travel to the state, primarily from out-of-state visitors, and include:

                • Increase Traveler Spending – Total visitor spending in 2017 was $20.9 billion, up 6.5 percent from 2016, twice the national average and continuing eight years of record-setting growth. (Dean Runyan Associates)

                • Generate Higher Tax Revenues – Visitor spending in 2017 generated $1.28 billion in state and local taxes, up 5.7 percent from 2016. (Runyan)

                • Expand position as a Leading Colorado Employer – Visitor spending in 2017 directly supported 171,000 jobs with earnings (wages and salaries) of $6.3 billion, a 3.4 percent increase. (Runyan)

                • Maximize Marketing ROI – The CTO’s 2017/2018 integrated marketing campaign generated     more than 2.66 million incremental trips to the state and $4.5 billion in incremental visitor           spending. Every media dollar invested returned $546 in visitor spending (SMARInsights).

Scope of Work:

The agency will have primary responsibility for increasing awareness of Colorado among high-value travelers and inspiring them to travel throughout Colorado. To this end, the AOR is charged with developing a highly integrated, research-based campaign strategy supporting breakout creative messaging that clearly differentiates Colorado in the competitive domestic marketplace; identification of desired audience segments; and creation of media and channel strategies that are effective, efficient, take full advantage of the ever-changing media landscape and ensure that Colorado’s message stands out from its competitive set. Additionally, the AOR is responsible for working closely and collaboratively with the CTO and other CTO contractors to ensure full integration and maximization of campaign initiatives across all CTO channels.

AOR services will consist of, but are not limited to, assistance in the following functional areas:

• Account Services & Management

• Strategic Planning & Research

• Creative & Production Services

• Media Planning & Buying

• Monitoring Technological Advancements and Providing Recommendations

Due Date:

February 15th, 2019. 


Elizabeth Wills, Procurement Agent

Colorado Tourism Office

1600 Broadway, Suite 2500

Denver, CO 80202

West Coast PR firms include Zeno Group and Edelman PR.

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