Communications and PR Services Needed for UNDP Malaysia

Communications and PR Services Needed for UNDP Malaysia
Communications and PR Services Needed for UNDP Malaysia


Maintaining a continuous two-way dialogue and a strengthened communications strategy is critical to UNDP Malaysia in order to achieve its new Strategic Plan goals under the new CPD, contributing to raising the organization’s profile, influencing policy, engaging stakeholders, mobilizing resources and increasing impact for governments and communities. UNDP Malaysia is looking for a professional PR/marketing agency or consortium of agencies (Service Provider), to provide high quality PR services in Malaysia, in a complex media environment, and develop and implement results-oriented, effective PR and communications actions described in this Terms of Reference (ToR).


The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has been a development partner of Malaysia since the country’s independence in 1957. The current programme of cooperation covering the period 2016 to 2020 was designed to support national priorities under the Eleventh Malaysia Plan (11MP), premised on the theme, “Anchoring Growth on People.” The programme aimed to contribute to two broad outcome results – inclusive development and growth, and sustainable and resilient development – using an issuesbased approach and a mix of strategies, including policy advice and analysis, institutional capacity development and piloting of new initiatives and models. As an upper-middle-income country (UMIC), Malaysia faces development challenges that include socioeconomic and long-standing structural issues, last-mile service delivery challenges and pressures on natural resources. With the vision to achieve full development that is inclusive and sustainable, the Government elaborated in its Eleventh Malaysia Plan, 2016-2020, based on six strategic thrusts: 

(i) enhancing inclusiveness

(ii) improving well-being (iii) accelerating human capital development

(iv) pursuing green growth

(v) economic expansion

(vi) re-engineering economic growth UNDP has been supporting the Government of Malaysia in the areas of inclusive growth and sustainable and resilient development.

This includes support to government policy and programming related to inclusive growth and sustainable human development, particularly spatial inequalities with a focus on states with the highest rates of multidimensional poverty and/or the highest inequalities, including gender inequality. UNDP is well-placed to play this role based on its prior experience. Under the previous country programme UNDP was a key actor in mainstreaming of the Sustainable Development Goals and in coordinating the UN Country Team’s SDG support, preparing policy papers contributing to SDG mainstreaming to the 12th Malaysian Plan development process, and localizing SDGs through sub-national initiatives.

UNDP also launched a series of innovations utilizing user-centric policy designed to develop youth entrepreneurship, identified obstacles to service access and overall delivery, and challenges facing the elderly in an urban environment. UNDP developed a data management policy to strengthen the planning capacity of state and federal institutions responsible for economic development and urban management. UNDP also contributed to the reduction of ozone depleting substances, conservation of forest landscapes, and new innovative financing solutions for biodiversity and ecosystem services. UNDP also contributing to the development of a gender equality bill. UNDP’s recent governance initiatives resulted in a National Anti- 8 corruption Plan and the institutionalization of capacity building training on integrity and good governance, and increased access to justice. The long-standing presence and engagement of UNDP in Malaysia is considered an asset.

The following are the three added values that UNDP brings to the table:

(i) upstream policy advisory and analysis

(ii) convening stakeholders 

(iii) mainstreaming environmental commitments in public policies

UNDP has demonstrated added value through its policy advice and capacity development support in the focus areas of the country programme. It has high institutional buy-in, enabling and leveraging partnerships and can effectively convene stakeholders. But there are practical challenges that affect the strategic positioning of UNDP. The ongoing changes in the internal and external environment within which UNDP operates have important implications for the positioning of UNDP in an upper-middle-income country that is aiming to transition to high-income status. Despite the challenges UNDP is expected to bring in high-level technical expertise and knowledge services to help address “last-mile” service delivery challenges.

The ongoing relevance of UNDP will depend partly on innovation and adaptation to changing conditions. Its strategic positioning and future role in Malaysia must take into account the need to enhance its strategic focus and adopt a longer-term view. UNDP’s actions and programmes are defined in its UNDP Country Programme Document (CPD) which is prepared between UNDP and the Government of Malaysia. The current programme of cooperation covers the period of 2016 – 2020, following which UNDP Malaysia will be embarking on a new CPD for the period of 2021 – 2025. UNDP will contribute to the repositioning of the UN Development System in Malaysia by leveraging partnerships and instruments forged through its innovation work under its Accelerator Lab initiative aiming at identifying new frontiers for national development. In line with the 2030 Agenda UNDP will ensure that results achieved benefit first and foremost the country’s most vulnerable populations groups and those who may be at risk of discrimination or marginalization. Whilst contributing to policy dialogue using innovative methods, UNDP under the new programme will need to amplify the lessons from pilot initiatives and improve the sustainability of different interventions through more strategic embedding of project outputs/results into government’s programming. UNDP can improve on its ability to play the integrator role –to support the UNCT in maximizing collective results. UNDP’s ultimate offer to Malaysia is to deliver integrated policy/legislative and capacity development solutions, underpinned by appropriate financing and partnership strategies, to meet national SDG 9 objectives.

UNDP will leverage its global networks and centres of excellence, becoming an agent for transfer of knowledge, expertise and innovation to and from Malaysia. Maintaining a continuous two-way dialogue and a strengthened communications strategy is critical to UNDP Malaysia in order to achieve its new Strategic Plan goals under the new CPD, contributing to raising the organization’s profile, influencing policy, engaging stakeholders, mobilizing resources and increasing impact for governments and communities. UNDP Malaysia is looking for a professional PR/marketing agency or consortium of agencies (Service Provider), to provide high quality PR services in Malaysia, in a complex media environment, and develop and implement results-oriented, effective PR and communications actions described in this Terms of Reference (ToR). UNDP Malaysia will have full control over implementation of activities under this public call and will provide input regarding each and any action undertaken by the external Service Provider. UNDP Malaysia will also supervise work of the Service Provider and will have an exclusive right in making decisions on processes and actions undertaken by the Service Provider.

Scope of Work:

Final list of deliverables will be based on the proposed approach and technical methodology to maximize communication results to achieve the abovementioned objectives. Final list of outputs will also be determined based on needs and approved activity plans. Examples of final products and deliverables are as follows, but not limited to:

• Findings and recommendations from the Communications Audit

• Target audience profiling 

• Communications strategy and action plan

• Digital media strategy 

• Monthly activity reports 

• Final report on all activity conducted by service providers

• Media appearances and placement of positive narratives/stories (produced about and by – beneficiaries) in mainstream media outlets

The assignment will directly contribute to the fulfilment of communication objectives outlined as follows:

· To strengthen UNDP’s voice and profile to reach a wide audience in order to drive positive change in behaviour, attitude, policy and practice (well-informed), which builds stronger partnerships with existing partners and new avenues. 

· To provide information to government, policy makers and local officials with the objective of increasing resources allocated to sound human development policies. 

· To strengthen the depth and breadth of outward-facing communications and engagement in the public domain to communicate effectively and authoritatively across the areas of work.

· To carry out communication campaigns which outlines clear and measurable goals to reflect a compelling message that connects with our target audience with the ultimate purpose of positive impact towards transformative sustainable human development.

· To optimise opportunities for partner visibility and communications for resource mobilization

· To further the 2030 Agenda and UNDP Strategic Plan

· Encourage and support engagement with strategically targeted media

· To effectively promote UNDP and UNDP in Malaysia through a culture of dialogue by creation of multiplatform PR and communication content for and by beneficiaries

Under the overall supervision of the Deputy Resident Representative and in close cooperation with designate Communication Associate(s) and focal points the selected Service Provider will be task to support/provide services listed further in this Terms of Reference. The Service Provider will be obligated to obtain approval for all actions which will be undertaken and may not act on behalf of UNDP Malaysia unless otherwise requested and approved by the designated focal points. The Service Provider is expected to ensure coordination and timely information sharing and reporting aiming to enable effective and efficient implementation of communications plan. The overall objective in communicating to external audiences is: ensuring clear, harmonized, coordinated and timely information sharing and communication with the relevant target audience aiming to boost positive narratives on UNDP Malaysia and its relevant programmes/projects. The assignment will be divided but not limited to the following tasks:

A. Corporate 

• Propose approach and methodology to maximize communication results

• Communications Audit Involving key stakeholders (media, private sector, industry leaders) to measure the brand perception and brand presence

• Conduct audience profiling for effective communication Audience profiling to be conducted with the aim to identify the most appropriate mix of communication messages, tools, channels and tactics for each type of audience 

• Provide support in drafting and dissemination of PR materials, such as media advisories, press releases and op-eds (when required)

• Identify and engage online influencers, aiming to ensure their contribution to programme communication actions, coordinate and monitor their activities on to ensure harmonization with programme’s (and general UN) values and messages 

• Develop social media strategy and plan(s)

• Broker media appearances and placement of positive narratives/stories (produced about and by – beneficiaries) in mainstream media outlets

• To build a culture of communications within UNDP Malaysia Country Office

• Produce monthly activity reports on all activities conducted by the Service Provider Monthly activity reports will reflect all of the services successfully completed during the reporting period, including key indicators, and will be used as basis for payment of costs. 

• Produce final report on all activities conducted by the Service Provider The final report will reflect all of the services successfully completed during the implementation period, including information on the achievement of objectives, results and outputs, media clipping and recordings of brokered stories / interviews / op-eds and will be used as basis for final payment.

B. Support to amplify COVID-19 response external visibility campaign

• Broker media appearances and placement of positive narratives/stories (produced about and by – beneficiaries) in mainstream media outlets

• Propose approach and methodology to maximize communication results

• Develop social media strategy and plan(s), including production of multi-platform content

• To focus on UNDP Malaysia’s positioning as the technical lead supporting UNCT in socio-economic impact and recovery plan and UNDP Malaysia’s recovery offers to the Government of Malaysia

• Program/Project support and thought leadership placements for the following but not limited to: Rapid Household Income Survey (RaHIS), Foresight Intelligence, Socio-economic impact assessment, COVID-19 Work From Home Survey 

C. Optional services which may be required Service Provider is expected to support/produce following types of communication tools, when needed, which will be used across appropriate channels, aiming to ensure effective and efficient communication with targeted external audiences: 

• Social media posts (Facebook posts and campaigns, notes, Instagram posts and stories, Twitter posts, etc.)

• Blogposts 

• Human interest stories (focusing on end-beneficiaries) presenting impact of the programme or an issue which is being addressed

• Photo essays 

• Short videos (captioned videos)

• Animated videos 

• Infographics / illustrations

• Media advisories and press releases

• Press conferences/events and press visits

• Op-eds and commentaries; 

• PR events. E.g.: Press briefings, press conference, media roundtable, off-the-record briefings. Noninclusive of logistics and setup costs like venue, F&B, sound system, etc.

Due Date:

July 24 


Menara PJH, Level 10, No 2, Jalan Tun Abdul Razak, Precinct 2, 62100 Putrajaya, Malaysia Procurement Unit

Relevant agencies include Edelman PR and Zeno Group.

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