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Combating Workplace Toxicity

Toxicity in the workplace can be emotionally, physically, and psychologically draining on employees because they tend to cause chronic stress that can result in physical illness. That’s why it’s best for everyone to avoid toxic workplaces whenever that’s possible. However, for people that do end up finding themselves in a

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How to Combat Workplace Toxicity

According to an American Psychological Association study, the toxicity in the workplace is both increasing and affecting the mental health of all employees. In the last two decades, toxicity in the workplace has contributed to the increased rates of various health issues, including substance abuse and depression, according to a

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Top 9 Sustainable Packaging Trends 1

Sustainable product packaging

Consumers today might switch loyalties and buy different products if they meet environmental standards. It is important for customers that businesses they associate with have a sustainability focus. The same goes for packaging. How sustainable the packaging of products is will have a direct effect on brand loyalty. Sustainable packaging

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lermanszlak com franchising in food industry and new challenges in times of pandemic dark stores and mobile delivery applications franchising in food industry and new challenges

The pandemic and franchising 

The pandemic made the future seem uncertain and affected the world of franchising. Nobody expected the past couple of years to be marked by growth.  The results have been surprising where the business of franchising is concerned. New unit openings of franchises may have shrunk, but there has been growth.

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Overcoming entrepreneurial anxiety

Compared to non-entrepreneurs, entrepreneurs are more prone to mental health conditions. They suffer from anxiety attacks, triggered by their lifestyle, which has workdays with no structure and boundaries. The journey to success never did run smooth, it is normally filled with situations that fuel anxiety. For entrepreneurs, learning how to

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small business start up tips

The Importance of Marketing Small Businesses

Plenty of smaller and newer businesses don’t believe that they need to invest in marketing, and in fact, according to research, nearly 40% of smaller businesses don’t even have their own business websites where they can market their solutions to the world. Most of the businesses that tend to avoid

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Bite toothpaste and the mission of conservation

Conservation is important as it makes sure that resources persist for future generations. Conserving nature is taking care of our future. Brands are waking up to the fact that they need to take practical actions to help conserve nature and reduce our ecological footprint. More and more brands are focusing

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Improving Brand Perception by Helping Employees

Any employees that have started returning to their office spaces have faced the increased cost of their commute to the physical workplace. Recently, the gas prices across the US have been steadily increasing, hitting a record high, while inflation has also skyrocketed to up to a nearly 40-year high. All

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The Best Strategies For Dealing With Misinformation

Marketing is one of the most important aspects of any business. It can make or break a company, and it’s essential to get it right. Marketing campaigns are designed to promote a product or service, but they can also be used to combat misinformation. There are a number of ways

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meme stocks Reddit

Meme stocks

The pandemic forced people to isolate themselves from one another. New virtual communities were formed. These communities met on Twitter, in Reddit forums, on Slack chats, and in-text message threads. People also held meetings over Zoom with NFT experts to discuss cryptos and monetized JPEG files. The value of many

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