United States of America Vietnam War Commemoration to Honor Vietnam Veterans and Their Families

David Cerullo

David CerulloThe family entertainment network Inspiration Networks expanded its commitment to veterans recently by partnering with The United States of America Vietnam War Commemoration and providing the Commemoration with the network’s video, entitled “Thank You For Your Service,” a moving homage to Vietnam Veterans.  As part of becoming a Commemorative Partner, the official commemoration flag and certificate, signed by the Secretary of Defense and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, was presented to INSP Chairman and Chief Executive Officer David Cerullo (at left).

The video, part of INSP’s critically-acclaimed Moments series, is presented throughout the country by the Commemoration as part of its mission to assist a grateful nation in thanking and honoring Vietnam Veterans and their families. INSP is among the first media outlets to join a growing and wide ranging list of Commemorative Partners supporting the efforts of the Congressionally-chartered United States of America Vietnam War Commemoration.  In so doing, INSP will have an important role as a grateful nation thanks and honors millions of Vietnam Veterans and their loved ones for their service, valor and sacrifice; especially those made by America’s Gold Star families whose loved ones were killed during the war, or the families of missing in action and unaccounted for service-members.

“On behalf of the staff at INSP, I humbly accept this flag and certificate from The United States Vietnam War Commemoration Committee,” said Cerullo.  “It is gratifying to know that ‘Thank You For Your Service’ has had such a powerful impact. Our goal has been to honor our veterans. We are so gratified for the way this video has touched so many lives.”

Thank You For Your Service” has been featured on the Pentagon Channel and USAA’s web channels, as well as several national conventions and conferences, to include the American Legion, Veteran of Foreign Wars, Vietnam Veterans of America, Jewish War Veterans, Society of Air Force Nurses, and League of POW/MIA Families. INSP currently is in production on another veteran series entitled, “Moments of Valor,” a joint partnership with the Congressional Medal of Honor Foundation.

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