Jefferson County Public Schools Seeks Public Relations Agency

Jefferson County Public Schools

Jefferson County Public Schools

The Jefferson County Public School District has issued a PR firm.

JCPS is the largest public school district in Kentucky and the 28th largest public school system in the United States. The district is home to approximately 100,000 students. One-seventh of all children in Kentucky attend a JCPS school.  Eighty (80) percent of all children in Louisville/Jefferson County attend JCPS. JCPS has a graduation rate that is above the national average and a kindergarten readiness rate that is above the state average. Every day, the district transports more than 70,000 students to and from school on school buses operated by JCPS. JCPS operates 154 schools, including 59 magnet programs. More than 120 languages are spoken in JCPS schools. Sixty-six (66) percent of JCPS students receive free or reduced lunch. JCPS students earned more than $100 million in scholarships, and 46 were named National Merit Scholars – that’s one fourth of all the National Merit Scholars in Kentucky.

Scope of Work:

  1. Assist the Board in developing (a) a better understanding of the capabilities and services the community expects from the Board, and (b) a profile of the desired Superintendent. This process will include meeting with the Board, identifying key community organizations and stakeholder groups that should provide input to the Board, coordinating and conducting meetings, focus groups and/or surveys of the community at large, key community organizations and stakeholder groups, and developing a list of the above-mentioned capabilities and services and the superintendent profile based upon this process, using in particular the capabilities set forth on pages 4 – 5 above under the headings “Knowledge of the Louisville Community,” “Public Relations and Community Relations Experience,” “Knowledge of the Board’s Strategic Plan” and “Public Relations and Community Relations Capabilities.”
  2. Assist the Board in developing a communications plan to keep the community informed about the superintendent search, including the nature of the search, the process that will be used by the Board to conduct the search, and the ongoing progress of the search, and assist the Board in developing a communications strategy for dissemination of this information to the public and the news media through public announcements, press releases, website postings, social media postings and any other means of communication recommended by the successful proposer.
  3. Upon request, attend meetings of the Board and/or the screening committee, as needed.
  4. Regularly communicate progress to the Board.

Due Date:

October 23rd, 2017


General Counsel
c/o the Office of the Chief Financial Officer
3332 Newburg Road
Louisville, Kentucky 40218- 2414

Strong PR firms with education experience include APCO Worldwide and Ruder Finn.

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