Marketing RFP Issued By Snow College


Proposal Due Date: August 25, 2022 at 5:00pm


A. College Background

1. Snow College is a two-year public college, and in January of 2020, The Chronicle of Higher Educations ranked Snow College #1 in the nation for student success in two-year colleges. Located in the heart of Utah, at the foot of the Wasatch Mountains, Snow College is the oldest comprehensive two-year college in the Western United States. The College was established in 1888; excellence continues to be the hallmark of all our work and activities. We are the preferred choice of approximately 5,000+ students who want a small College experience filled with various activities, events, and performances. With campuses located in Ephraim, Richfield, and online, students complete degrees in Associate of Arts, Science, or Applied Science with numerous specialized, short-term vocational training certificates and diplomas, including a few Bachelor’s degrees. Besides serving the student population, the programs also serve the larger counties and high school activities. III. GENERAL OVERVIEW A. This Request for Proposals (RFP) is to solicit proposals to enter into a contract with a qualified vendor to provide Enrollment Management & Direct Marketing Services for Snow College, hereafter referred to as the “College.” The College currently uses the Fireworks CRM, and information will need to come from there, as well as will need to go into that CRM. The College is examining several alternatives for providing this service and may decide, after reviewing the proposals submitted, not to enter into any agreement. Snow College is seeking information regarding your company’s ability to provide a comprehensive program for the specifications listed in this RFP. Snow College invites interested parties to submit a proposal to provide this service and expects to acquire these services. All responses to the RFP should reflect this functionality. Page 9 of 18 This document constitutes a Request for Proposal (RFP), via competitive sealed proposals, from qualified individuals or organizations to perform the Scope of Work. This request may result in an offer by Snow College to purchase, by the terms and conditions of this RFP, the services and/or products proposed by the successful firm. Firms are strongly encouraged to carefully read the entire request for proposal. B. The vendor is to provide and include ALL costs, such as: software, licenses, equipment, training, implementation, labor, all materials, all types of fees, and all travel expenses associated with bringing the services(s) to completion as approved by the College (See Section VIII). All costs/fees must only be supplied in a separately submitted file and labeled “cost proposal” for the proposal to be accepted. If cost is found anywhere in the RFP, the RFP will be eliminated from further consideration.

C. Contract Period for this RFP

1. The College wishes to establish a contract with the selected vendor for three (3) years, with two (2) – one (1) year renewable options. Contract can be canceled upon 60- day written notice. Contract starting at bid award, contract signing, implementation to be done and contract software to start as soon as possible

2. Expected start date for the contract is October 2022. IV. SCOPE OF WORK /REQUIREMENTS/ ETC. A. Scope of Work

1. Offerors shall provide a comprehensive proposal detailing enrollment management programs and services focusing on cultivating genuine student interest through creative, innovative, and strategic marketing campaigns. Proposals shall also include consulting services to improve performance at each enrollment funnel level. Offerors must provide a proposal that specifies programs, techniques, tools, experiences, expertise, and technological advancements that will be utilized to meet enrollment goals. Offerors must also be prepared to carry out direct marketing and multi-channel communication plans as identified by the College. Proposals must include timelines, training, or other activities associated with these efforts. Proposals must also include samples of correspondence and marketing pieces that would be used in similar campaigns. Page 10 of 18 For this RFP, the Enrollment Management responsibility is defined as an institution-wide, systematic, strategic, comprehensive, data-driven system designed to locate, attract, enroll and retain the students the institution wishes to serve.

2. Specifically, the College is interested in: a. Building brand awareness and prospecting b. Increase inquiry and applicant pools c. Predictive Analytics d. Improving application completion and admission rates e. Implementing programs and services to increase enrollment yield f. Other capabilities not specifically listed in this RFP B. Requirements 1. Describe what would be your approach/plan for working with the College in helping us in the Enrollment Growth and Direct Marketing Services area. 2. Describe how you align your work with the institutional brand? a. Please provide a mock-up of an asset using the Snow brand

3. Please share your experience with multiple student populations. i.e. traditional, non-traditional, online, etc.

4. Explain in detail what unique aspects of your service differentiate you from your competitors.

5. Communication Selection Processes a. Please describe your student search processes b. Please describe your communication selection processes

6. Marketing Process a. Please describe how you do all your marketing processes. (1) For Campaigns (a) Students (b) Parents Page 11 of 18 (c) Etc. b. What are your expected marketing assets and plans based on each funnel section? (1) Prospects (2) Inquiry (3) Applications (4) Etc.

7. Technology a. What is the Technology needed to support the enrollment growth contract?

8. Reporting / Reports a. How often is reporting to the College done? b. Describe how you will report to the College on what/how things are being or have been done etc. and what success has been accomplished, such as: (1) Quarterly meetings (2) Reports (3) Analytics (4) Etc. c. Describe in detail what type of reporting tools you have (1) Provide examples.

9. Data a. Describe how you protect student information and data related to PII info. (1) How is this done? b. What data will you be sharing with the College? c. What data do you share with other 3rd parties? (1) Sharing College data with 3rd parties is expressly forbidden, Page 12 of 18 without prior written consent by the dully authorized College person. (2) Do you have any 3rd party audit? – if so explain or provide.


1. Provide a brief history of you/your company, the length of time the company has been in business, and how long the company has been providing this type of service to the public and/or higher education institutions.

2. Provide a statement describing the firm’s knowledge and experience in providing the proposed services.

3. List any other relevant services or expertise unique to your firm that would enhance the deliverables of the proposed service.

4. Provide a minimum of three (3) recent client references of institutions in which you have provided a similar scope of work. It is preferred that they are public community colleges and/or higher education institutions similar in scope to the colleges that are current clients. Additionally, if you have current Higher Education clients in Utah, please provide a list of those institutions. For each reference, please provide the number of users utilizing your services and the period they took. The College reserves the right to contact or visit any of the supplier’s current or past customers to evaluate performance and customer satisfaction. Reference information shall include the following: a. Name and location of institution Page 13 of 18 b. Name and title of contact at the institution c. Telephone number of contact d. E-mail of contact e. Dates of services provided

5. Provide at least two (2) former clients that no longer use your services. References shall include the following: a. Name and location of institution b. Name and title of contact at the institution c. Telephone number of contact d. E-mail of contact e. Dates of services provided

6. Furnishing incorrect or incomplete reference information will lead to lower scores (even if you say you can’t provide them for other reasons) and may lead to the firm’s elimination from consideration for award. The decision to eliminate a firm from consideration for poor reference checks or incorrect and/or incomplete reference information shall be at the sole discretion of the College and shall not be subject to appeal.

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