Marketing RFP Issued By State of Iowa

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The Iowa Department of Human Rights (DHR) is the state of Iowa agency that advocates for underrepresented Iowans by educating individuals, businesses and government entities about the needs, rights and responsibilities of all Iowans. The vision for the Iowa Talent Bank is to enhance parity, diversity and inclusion of women and people from underrepresented and marginalized populations which include those served by the Iowa Department of Human Rights in the civic decision-making process. The Talent Bank is a no-cost conduit for all Iowans to examine how and where they may best serve on appointed government boards and commissions and directly communicate their interest and qualifications to potential recruiters. Conversely, this first-of-its-kind public sector tool allows government officials to easily connect with Iowans whose talents and expertise are assets to local boards and commissions. In the initial phase, the purpose of the Talent Bank is to increase public participation in government. By offering services directly to both the public and to government entities, the Talent Bank will match their mutual need for citizen engagement. The Talent Bank will provide the greatest connection to government possible for Iowans and the opportunity to influence decision-making as an active participant. This solicitation may end up with multiple awards. The agency is open to the use of subcontractors to complete this project.

Scope of Work:

The State of Iowa objectives are: 

● Cultivate the spirit of civic engagement 

● Reach all Iowans to increase the number and quality of available candidates and positions advertised ● Foster mentor-mentee relationships between those seeking knowledge about public service and those with proven experience

● Enhance diversity of candidates and appointees 

● Streamline the search for qualified candidates, make appointments and communicate requirements – with one single tool that may be utilized by all political subdivisions at no cost

● Build awareness and educate local political subdivision on the capacity-building and costsaving elements of the Talent Bank

● Populate the database with new, discrete numbers of diverse Iowans eligible for consideration to serve on state, county and city boards and commissions

● Recruit local subdivisions to use the Iowa Talent Bank as an all-purpose tool for streamlining all internal operations related to the Boards and Commissions appointments.

Due Date:

December 16, 2019


RFP Number: RFP1420379030 

RFP Title: Marketing, Communications and Public Outreach Services

Kelli Sizenbach Iowa Department of Administrative Services

Hoover State Office Building, Level 3

1305 East Walnut Street 

Des Moines, IA 50319-0105

Relevant agencies include Edelman PR and Zeno Group.

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